- Podrška
- Socio-ekonomska analiza u REACH-u
- Network of REACH SEA and Analysis of Alternatives practitioners
Network of REACH SEA and Analysis of Alternatives practitioners (NeRSAP)
Network of REACH SEA and Analysis of Alternatives practitioners (NeRSAP)
NeRSAP has been set up to exchange on advances and review of concepts, methods and experiences focussed on practical concepts for Socio-economic Analysis (SEA) and Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) on EU-wide or national chemicals management implementation. It is set up in collaboration between ECHA, Member States and stakeholders from industry and NGOs.
Given REACH SEAs and AoAs are in general prepared by SEA and AoA practitioners for their clients being it industry, Member State authorities, ECHA, the Commission, or others, the NeRSAP network welcomes practitioners with regulatory, academic or consultancy background with demonstrated experience in the field of REACH and/or EU or national chemicals legislation.
Who should attend?
Existing platform members can register for the meetings while interested new network members can forward an application to the organising Committee by sending a mail describing interest level, experience and potential presentation/contribution to SEA-AofANetwork [at] eurometaux.be.
Organising Committee

Chatham house rule and strict implementation of antitrust rules
Presenters and attendees do not represent organisations or affiliations and are encouraged to participate/present actively
Cases or examples presented cannot be quoted without explicit permission by participants
- Discussion or comments made at the meetings is not and cannot be interpreted as advice in respect of legislative process
Network meetings
13th NeRSAP meeting will be held in Helsinki in Summer/Autumn 2025 (tbc).