Cooperation with authorities and stakeholders
Cooperation with authorities and stakeholders
- RIME+ Platform
- Grupa ekspertów ds. substancji PBT (trwałe, wykazujące zdolność do bioakumulacji i toksyczne)
- Grupa ekspertów ds. zaburzaczy hormonalnych
- REACH Exposure Expert Group
- Grupa robocza PETCO
- Plastic additives initiative
- Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach
- ECHA-CEFIC collaboration on dossier compliance
Cooperation with authorities and stakeholders
Cooperation between authorities – ECHA, the European Commission and the Member States – is key to the efficient and effective implementation of the REACH and CLP processes under ECHA’s Integrated Regulatory Strategy.
The aim is to optimise and increase the overall effectiveness of work by:
- avoiding gaps, overlap and duplication;
- enhancing and combining knowledge; and
- providing support for defining testing strategies, carrying out assessments and concluding on PBT/vPvB or ED properties of substances.
By working together with stakeholders, including industry representatives and NGOs, authorities can help ensure the transparency and predictability of regulatory activities, and make sure that all parties are informed on the progress made in addressing particular groups of substances. The advance notice enables companies to consider their business strategies and gives all stakeholders more time to prepare their contributions to public consultations run during the formal decision-making process. ECHA supports cooperation in the field of chemicals regulation through involvement in several cooperation platforms and initiatives.