- Wsparcie
- Wystąpienie Zjednoczonego Królestwa z UE
- Know your role
- Former UK-based REACH registrant
Former UK-based REACH registrant
Former UK-based REACH registrant

Only an EU/EEA-based company can register a substance under the REACH Regulation. If your company is based in the UK and has registered a substance under REACH, the registration no longer exists, unless you have initiated a transfer before the end of the transition period.
In this respect, if you continue doing business in the EU/EEA, you should have appointed an only representative to manage your registrations or moved your operations related to the registered substance to a legal entity within the EU (see Q&A 1416).
A registrant is responsible for the substances covered by their registrations. This means that the responsible staff and relevant documentation must be present at the address of the registrant – a company on paper only in the EU or EEA is not sufficient.
CLP notification - exporting substances to EU countries
If you export substances to the EU, your products have to comply with the EU regulations, including the CLP Regulation. This means that you need to classify and label your products accordingly. However, you no longer need to submit notifications to the C&L Inventory – this will have to be done by the importing company in the EU.
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- EU Commission notice to stakeholders on export and import of hazardous chemicals [PDF] [EN] 17/07/2020
- EU Commission: Getting ready for the end of the transition period - readiness notices
- EU Commission notice to stakeholders on biocidal products [PDF] [EN] 17/06/2020
- EU Commission notice to stakeholders on chemicals regulation 30/03/2020
- Act and prepare for ‘no deal Brexit’ to stay on the market and keep supplies 12/09/2019
- Companies recommended to transfer registrations before the UK’s withdrawal 03/04/2019
- Act now to stay on the EU market after the UK’s withdrawal 08/02/2019
- ECHA updates information for companies on UK withdrawal from EU 11/10/2018