- Wspólnotowe
- Cooperation with authorities and stakeholders
- Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach
Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach
Cooperation with authorities and stakeholders
- RIME+ Platform
- Grupa ekspertów ds. substancji PBT (trwałe, wykazujące zdolność do bioakumulacji i toksyczne)
- Grupa ekspertów ds. zaburzaczy hormonalnych
- REACH Exposure Expert Group
- Grupa robocza PETCO
- Plastic additives initiative
- Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach
- ECHA-CEFIC collaboration on dossier compliance
Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach
The Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach (MISA) is a cooperative programme set up by ECHA and Eurometaux, the European non-ferrous metals association, to address technical and scientific issues facing the metals and inorganics sectors and to improve the registration dossiers in these sectors. It builds on the principle of continuous improvement and aims to identify, by the end of 2020, any outstanding REACH and CLP standard information endpoints, as well as further information, supply chain communication or risk management needs, where relevant, for as many substances as possible.
MISA is a voluntary programme that is endorsed by metals and inorganics consortia by signing a framework for cooperation. The agreement includes a rolling action plan for 2018-2020, focused on two equally important parallel tracks:
- Track 1: A gradual and planned improvement of the compliance, quality and understanding of the metals/inorganics registration dossiers.
- Track 2: Resolving outstanding technical and methodological issues to allow the improvement of the relevance of hazard information, risk assessment and risk management of metals and inorganics.
ECHA and Eurometaux commit to engaging the necessary resources to support the action plan, and to providing open and transparent communication on goals, priorities and the progress made. The rolling action plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it reflects the latest progress on the identified priorities and incorporates considerations of potential emerging issues or reprioritisation needs.
Priorities and timelines
The MISA rolling action plan includes an overview of the 10 priority areas identified for 2018-2020, six of which are deemed to be of high priority. The action plan provides a description of the proposed work, formats and possible deliverables, with timelines and milestones.
The high-priority issues are:
- Improving registration dossiers on key endpoints
- Exposure and risk characterisation
- Risk management: environmental classification
- Risk management: SVHC impurities
- Supply chain, uses and exposure
Priorities on MISA
Timelines on MISA activities
The MISA framework agreement between ECHA and Eurometaux has been followed by bilateral signatures with participating consortia. By committing to the approach and the related action plan, the participating industry sectors recognise the importance of providing accurate and clear information on hazards, risks and conditions of safe use throughout the supply chain.
For further information on MISA, contact ECHA at: misa (at) echa.europa.eu.
- MISA agreement [PDF] [EN]
- MISA updated rolling action plan 20 September 2019 [PDF] [EN]
- Summaries of workshops
- MISA workshop 1 on Human Health information requirements October 2018 [PDF] [EN]
- MISA workshop 2 on Environmental information requirements February 2019 [PDF] [EN]
- MISA discussions on Rapid Removal Feb and June 2019 [PDF] [EN]
- MISA workshop 3 on UVCBs November 2019 [PDF] [EN]
- MISA workshop 4 on Exposure - Webinar 1 "Life Cycle Tree" [PDF] [EN]
- MISA workshop 4 on Exposure - Webinar 2 "Workplace Exposure" [PDF] [EN]
- MISA workshop 4 on Exposure - Webinar 3 "Environmental exposure [PDF] [EN]
- MISA final report [PDF] [EN]
- MISA on REACH Metals Gateway
- Eurometaux
- ECHA’s Integrated Regulatory Strategy
- SAICM 2020 objectives
- ECHA’s cooperation with accredited stakeholders