Capacity building in third countries
Capacity building in third countries
ECHA's operational activities have international relevance. Other regions in the world may benefit from the extensive information available and the assessments made; these are publically available on ECHA’s website. Of special value are:
- the dissemination of hazard and risk information on chemicals in commerce (C&L Inventory and data on registered substances);
- the evaluation and assessments made of individual substances; and
- the extensive information given through ECHA webinars and stakeholder events.
ECHA provides advice and assistance to organisations outside the European Union by responding in writing to questions, presenting information at events and hosting visits. This cooperation also helps ECHA to understand the challenges and needs of non-EU countries.
ECHA also supports the European Union's enlargement policy and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) fostering interaction between third countries, EU agencies and Member States. The enlargement policy addresses candidates and potential candidates for EU accession through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA).
Additionally, ENP efforts are directed towards those 16 countries at the immediate external borders of the Union through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Both initiatives are broad, going beyond the protection of human health and the environment.
ECHA works through these instruments to provide technical and regulatory support for third country alignment with the EU chemicals acquis.
ECHA supports other third countries by participating in regulatory and trade dialogues with the EU’s main partners, in e.g. the Americas, Asia and Africa.