This section of the website provides tools and practical guidance to companies which have responsibilities under the EU chemicals legislation.
Questions and answers
Visit our Q&A page to find out more about our processes and regulations. We have created an extensive database divided into topics, scopes and chapters to help you easily find answers to your questions.
You can filter by the question’s ID number, questions developed with national helpdesks, question field and answer field.
The first version of our new Chemicals database, ECHA CHEM makes available information from all REACH registrations received by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). See for more information on the transition to ECHA CHEM. More

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Are you from an EU/EEA national authority?
Need to contact your national helpdesk?
- Guidance documents
- Manuals
- Identify your obligations
- Practical examples of exposure scenarios
- Testing methods and alternatives
- Downstream user report
- Technical completeness check
- Registration
- Recommendations to registrants
- Substance identification
- Restriction
- Authorisation
- Socio-economic analysis
- Practical guide
Drinking Water Directive