Finding help

Taking a business perspective

Smart companies are turning these legal obligations into business opportunities.

Communication in the supply chain 

This is more than a means for improving chemical safety:

  • It can help you predict the supply of substances which are critical to your business
  • It can help improve your knowledge and understanding of how your chemicals are used, as well as the future demand for them. This can be used to review your portfolio and develop new products

Be proactive

A decision to regulate a substance at EU level can have a long-term impact on your business. You have an opportunity to contribute to the decision-making and to promote a safer alternative you may have.

ECHA consults on a regular basis on proposals to:

  • Harmonise the classification and labelling of hazardous substances 
  • Identify substances of very high concern
  • Decide which substances of very high concern will require prior authorisation
  • Authorise the temporary use of substances of very high concern by individual companies
  • Restrict certain uses of substances
  • Identify active biocidal substances which are candidates for substitution

Monitor how your substance is regulated


Newly identified substances of very high concern are regularly being added to the Candidate List and Authorisation List. And new restrictions are being adopted. Keeping up-to-date with these legal developments gives you a better opportunity to predict your business environment, helping you to review your portfolio and develop an appropriate business strategy. 

There are many steps before a very hazardous substance is regulated and you can use our website to monitor your substances. ECHA publishes information and launches public consultations at every step in the process of authorisation and restriction.


To request product authorisations on time, you need to check the status of the active substance it contains. Is it approved or when is a decision for its approval expected? Is it a candidate for substitution?

You can also follow the opinions of the Biocidal Products Committee which concludes on the safety of active substances under review and recommends their approval or non-approval to the European Commission. Getting early information can help with your business decisions.

Free support

For general understanding and topical information on how the legislation works, turn to the national helpdesk or to ECHA's Helpdesk.

For sector-specific information and support, contact your industry association. They follow the legislation closely and provide hands-on support to their members. Some of them also run sector-specific helpdesks.

For information on EU funding, contact the Enterprise Europe Network. 

For substance-specific issues, turn to your suppliers and other companies in your supply chain. One of the aims of the legislation is to improve supply chain communication to ensure safe use. 

Paid support

You may choose to hire a consultant for your REACH obligations. Be careful – don't pay for things you do not need. There is a checklist to help you select the best consultant for you. 

Financial support

You may be eligible for funding from the EU or your member state, particularly if you are innovative, creating employment, small, research based or with a sustainable focus.


Check EU and national funding