The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC) now contains 247 entries for chemicals that can harm people or the environment. Companies are responsible for managing the risks of these chemicals and giving customers and consumers information on their safe use.
- Latest ECHA Weekly published 29/1/2025
- Board of Appeal: Revised web pages and search tools launched 18/12/2024
- Updated guidance on new CLP criteria available 13/11/2024
- Topics page: PFAS
Upcoming maintenance
- IT applications that require login not available Fri 07/02 from 07:00 to 17:00
We protect health and the environment through our work for chemical safety
Biocide Stakeholders' Workshop
- Helsinki | 29/04/2025 - 30/04/2025
The event will be a unique opportunity to meet and discuss the latest developments, challenges, and innovations on the regulation of biocidal products in the EU. It will bring together regulatory authorities, industry representatives and scientific experts from across Europe.
Currently there are no upcoming events or webinars to be shown. Please check again later.
More Events
Forum stakeholder workshop: Results of the pilot project on restricted substances in cosmetics
Online | 23/01/2025 | 11:00 - 13:45
Looking towards the future of drinking water applications
Online | 27/11/2024 | 1100 - 1300
Introduction to ECHA's guidance on new CLP hazard classes
Online | 21/11/2024 | 1100 - 1300
Contract research organisation days
Helsinki | 19/11/2024 - 20/11/2024
IUCLID 6: November 2024 service release
Online | 14/11/2024 | 11:00 - 15:00