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ECPAT and 75+ Child Protection Advocates Calling to Stop Child Sexual Abuse Crisis

Posted on Nov 18, 2024

Brussels, 2024 – ECPAT joins 75+ Child Protection Advocates united in a letter to EU leaders to pass critical laws to protect children against sexual abuse and exploitation, online and offline.

Studies show that about 1 in 5 children in Europe have experienced some form of sexual violence. More than 100 million images or videos of children being sexually abused were found online last year, and this may be just the tip of the iceberg. As the numbers of reported child sexual abuse online cases increase every year, younger and younger children are targeted, with victims as young as a couple of months old. Behind these images and videos, some real children are experiencing the trauma of the abuse knowing that those images and videos are circulating online out of control.  

“For a very long time, I was very stressed, and I slept very badly […] what would happen if those images came out, and what would everyone think of me? […] in my head it had just sort of taken on this enormous catastrophic proportion that my life was going to end” – Nora, Survivor of Sexual Violence.

EU Member States and Members of the European Parliament have a critical opportunity to adopt a strong EU legislative framework. Together we can take action to end the Child Sexual Abuse Crisis and protect children from further harm.

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