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ECPAT International is led by the Executive Director and overseen by a Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board comprises of 5 members. The current Supervisory Board was appointed in January 2024. Network activities are supported and coordinated by ECPAT International based in Bangkok. 

The ECPAT Network is governed through two membership bodies: 

  • The Assembly of ECPAT Organisations influences the overall strategies, policies and organisational guidelines by which the Network and organisation is directed and controlled, it elects the Membership Representative Committee.
  • The Membership Representative Committee consists of 10 Representatives elected by the members of each region from the Assembly of ECPAT Organisations (2 seats are reserved for the Americas, 2 for Sub-Saharan Africa, 2 for Europe, 1 for Middle East and North Africa, and 3 for Asia and the Pacific). It supports the work of ECPAT International and the Supervisory Board on the orientation of strategies and the good governance of the network.


ECPAT International is a non-profit organization registered legally as a Foundation (Stichting) in the Netherlands on August 20th 2000 under number KVK 34139743. ECPAT International’s head office is based in Bangkok, Thailand, and registered with the Thai Ministry of Labour under number Aor.Chor.Tor./Phor.012/2566.

Stichting ECPAT International – Updated Statutes (January 2024) 

Assembly and Membership Representative Committee Regulations (2024)

ECPAT International’s Risk Management Appetite Statement (2024)

ECPAT International Whistleblowing Function

ECPAT International Child Safeguarding Policy