Thematic Working Group 6 - Data for the assessment of RDP achievements and impacts

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Data for the assessment of RDP achievements and impacts


The interactive decision tool, ‘Data for the assessment of RDP achievements and impacts’, is based on the logic model approach which was originally developed by the EU collaborative project ENVIEVAL (Grant Agreement No. 31207 in the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration). The Evaluation Helpdesk has applied this approach for its thematic working group, which serves to support Member States in their assessment of RDP impacts in 2019 and the ex-post.

The choice of a suitable evaluation approach is a critical step in the evaluation process. The wish to carry out a robust assessment of the policy’s effects needs to be matched with those aspects which factor into conducting an evaluation (data and information availability, budget and resources, and the skills of the evaluators).

In the non-binding Guidelines, ‘Assessment of RDP impacts and achievements in 2019’, published in August 2018, logic models have been presented for the 13 Common CAP impact indicators covering Pillar II. These logic models support Member States in discussing different criteria for the choice of evaluation approaches for assessing the RDP’s impacts during the evaluation activities in 2019 and the ex-post (2024).

The decision tool, ‘Data for the assessment of RDP achievements and impacts’, transports the logic models developed in the above Guidelines into an interactive format, while providing further detailed and practical information. The decision tool has been specifically designed for RDP evaluators who may wish to gain further insights into the criteria for each step of the decision making process when choosing an evaluation approach. This tool also provides practical recommendations on what to do in case of data gaps both in the short and long term, when solutions are needed.

The interactive decision tool consists of a set of 7 logic models covering the 13 Pillar 2 CAP Impact Indicators. The 7 logic models can be read separately and aim to:

  • Assist evaluation stakeholders in their decision on which evaluation approaches they can use for the assessment of the common RDP impact indicators, as well as providing the necessary data and information sources at the EU level for these approaches.
  • Provide recommendations on possible solutions for overcoming data-gaps at the national and regional levels (e.g. by providing guiding questions, practical hints and links to external information sources).

The tool focuses on data and information sources pertinent for the assessment of RDP achievements and impacts in 2019 and the ex-post. The decision tool is based on the Guidelines ‘Assessment of RDP impacts and achievements in 2019’. Additionally, the tool provides:

  • Explanations on data needs for proposed evaluation approaches including availability and suitability of data for RDP evaluations (frequency, delays, time series). 
  • Important questions to consider.
  • Links to existing data sources and good practices.
  • Complementary information on evaluation methods and their data needs.
This interactive decision tool contains a set of 7 logic models:



By answering each decision question in the tool with either a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’ one will be taken to the next question, which will ultimately lead one to all possible evaluation approaches that can be applied given the specific criteria they have selected.