2030 framework for climate and energy policies
With Europe making good progress towards our climate and energy targets for 2020, it's time to look further ahead. The policy framework proposed by the European Commission for the period up to 2030 puts the EU on track for a low-carbon economy.
The Commission is proposing that the EU set itself the target of cutting its greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below the 1990 level by 2030. Over the same period the EU should also increase the share of renewable energy to at least 27% and continue ambitious efforts to improve energy efficiency.
Our policy framework also includes a reform of the EU emissions trading system and measures on energy policy.
"A 40% emissions reduction is the most cost-effective target for the EU and it takes account of our global responsibility. And of course Europe must continue its strong focus on renewables. That is why it matters that the Commission is proposing a binding EU-level target." Connie Hedegaard
The 40% emissions reduction target is the centrepiece of the framework that will drive continued progress towards a competitive, secure and sustainable energy system. These emissions cuts are needed to achieve the EU's long-term objective of reducing our emissions by 80-95% by 2050 in the most cost-effective way.
A key tool to reduce emissions most cost-efficiently is a well-functioning carbon market. To ensure that the EU emissions trading system (ETS) can play its full role in the period up to 2030, the Commission proposes to establish a market stability reserve to make the system more robust.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we also need to produce and use energy in more climate-friendly ways. That is why we propose to increase the share of renewable energy to at least 27% of the EU's energy use by 2030 and to continue to improve energy efficiency across the economy.
"The details of the framework will now have to be agreed, but the direction for Europe has been set. If all other regions were equally ambitious about tackling climate change, the world would be in significantly better shape." Connie Hedegaard
Taking action will not only help the climate. It will also bring benefits for our economy.
Providing clarity on the EU's climate and energy policy will give certainty to investors and stimulate innovation and demand for low-carbon technologies.
By producing more renewable energy in the EU and using energy more efficiently, we will be able to reduce our reliance on imported energy and reduce our huge energy import bill.
We can also create new opportunities for innovation and jobs in fields like engineering, manufacturing and construction.
And by cutting emissions we at the same time cut air pollution and the health damage it causes.
All this will help us build a more competitive, sustainable and energy-secure European economy. Setting our level of climate ambition for 2030 now will also allow the EU to engage actively in the negotiations on a new international climate agreement to be agreed at the end of 2015.
As next steps, the 2030 framework and targets will be considered by EU leaders at their spring summit on 20-21 March, and later by the European Parliament and EU ministers.