This site has been archived on (2014/12/15)

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Your opportunity to take part in the debate on the future of Europe.


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Citizens' Dialogues – your voice counts in Europe

A debate has started. The 51 dialogues held across the EU have been a new experiment in pan-European communication, where politicians and citizens debated what is needed to strengthen the democratic structures of our Union. With new debates being organised nationally, there appears to be strong demand for such conversations, and real potential for this to turn into a lasting European project.

Final report

Have your say

José Manuel Barroso

Maroš Šefčovič

Ongoing debate

A new start for Europe - Jean-Claude Juncker's Political Guidelines

17/07/2014 - Jean-Claude Juncker has been elected President of the European Commission by a strong majority of 422 votes in the European Parliament plenary session.

On Europe - Considerations on the present and the future of the European Union

10/06/2014 - "It is my duty, after almost ten years as Commission President, to share my experience and my thinking on how we can build on what we have achieved so far, and go forward in the future."

La Commission répond aux questions des citoyens

19/05/2014 - Série de clips video dans lesquels des représentants de la Commission répondent aux questions posées dans le cadre des dialogues citoyens organisés à Paris le 27 février 2014 et à Marseille le 14 novembre 2013 sur des sujets allant de la crise économique à la politique agricole commune et à l’immigration.


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