Country Overview
RRP expenditures
Share of the plan’s estimated expenditure contributing to each policy pillar

This graph displays the share of the recovery and resilience plan’s estimated contribution to each policy pillar. As each measure contributes towards two policy areas of the six pillars (primary and secondary assignments), the total contribution to all pillars displayed in this graph amounts to 200% of the RRF funds allocated to the Member State.

Share of the plan’s social expenditure per social category

This graph shows the breakdown of estimated social expenditure in the recovery and resilience plan (as defined in the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2105).

Investments and reforms per social category

This graph displays the number of measures (reforms and investments) included in the recovery and resilience plan that contribute to each social category (as defined in the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2105).

Milestones and targets
Milestones and targets per type of measure

This graph displays the overall number of milestones and targets, divided between reforms and investments.

Milestones and targets fulfilment status

This graph displays the share of fulfilled milestones and targets. A milestone or target is fulfilled once a Member State has provided the evidence to the Commission that it has completed the milestone or target and the Commission has assessed it positively in an implementing decision.

RRF grants disbursed
RRF loans disbursed