Knowledge and innovation play a crucial role in helping farmers, foresters and rural communities meet current and future challenges. To make sure that relevant people get connected, and that knowledge is shared between everyone who uses and produces it, effective ‘Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems’ (AKIS) are needed across the EU. This will further support the development of innovative solutions that work in practice.
Watch the EIP-AGRI animated video ‘AKIS: Building effective knowledge flows across Europe’ to see what AKIS stands for, and how it can help tackle current and future challenges for farmers, foresters, rural communities and many others.
The following publications and presentations can give you a good understanding of what AKIS is and what it means in practice:
You can find all relevant network activities related to AKIS below.
The Support Facility ‘Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’ organises workshops and seminars on specific topics. Click on the links below to find reports, presentations, factsheets and more from events related to AKIS:
The European Commission (DG AGRI) organised a series of one-day webinars in June 2021. They provided guidance for the innovation strand of the future CAP networks.
Click on the links below to download or take a look at interesting publications and videos on the topic of AKIS:
A number of Member States and organisations are already making the most of structures, people and organisations that can help strengthen knowledge and innovation flows across Europe. Here is a selection of good practices that can spark innovation:
The role of the National Rural Networks / CAP networks
NRNs / National CAP networks can support knowledge exchange and foster innovation, for instance by organising events that bring people together, by stimulating cross-border Operational Group projects to interact or by connecting them with other innovative projects.
Advisers and innovation support
Bridging the gap between farmers and researchers
Digital platforms supporting AKIS
Creating digital knowledge platforms with practical and easy-to-understand project results can help to make knowledge accessible to all.
Inspirational ideas
Find more inspirational practices in the book ‘Preparing for future AKIS in Europe’ and in the report of the EIP-AGRI Seminar ‘CAP Strategic Plans: the key role of AKIS in Member States
EIP-AGRI Operational Groups
Find details on more than 2200 Operational Groups in the EIP-AGRI database.
Horizon 2020 / Europe Multi-Actor Projects and Thematic Networks
A number of Horizon 2020 / Europe Multi-Actor Projects and Thematic Networks are specifically working on connecting people in knowledge and innovation systems. Some are building specific knowledge repositories to help share results across Europe.
Multi-actor projects
ModernAKIS - Modernisation of Agriculture through more efficient and effective Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems website – CORDIS (09/2022 – 08/2029)
Find more Horizon 2020 / Europe Multi-Actor Projects and Thematic Networks on the EIP-AGRI website.