What’s the shortest way from A → B?
Planning an effective strategy is an important step in any process when one is trying to achieve a specific goal, but once you have developed your strategy how do you know it is really the right strategy? How do you know that it will be the most effective strategy? And will it be the strategy to get you from A → B?
All of these questions and more can be answered through a robust appraisal of your strategy, only after this appraisal will you have a clearer picture if the strategy planned is the right one to meet your goals and objectives.
Key ideas for appraising your intervention strategy
The intervention strategy (intervention logic) is at the core of EU support programmes as it shows the logical link between the problem that needs to be tackled (or the objective that needs to be pursued), the underlying drivers of the problem and the available policy options (or the EU actions actually taken) to address the problem or achieve the objective.
The ex ante appraisal of the intervention strategy of the CAP Strategic Plans 2021-2027 focuses first on the relevance and coherence of the interventions designed and grouped around specific objectives: Are they capable to address the identified needs? Are they based on the evidence from the SWOT analysis? Are they plausibly related to the CAP objectives?
The ex ante evaluation assesses if the interventions are consistent and work in synergy (internal coherence) and looks at their relationship with other relevant policy instruments (external coherence).
The assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the intervention strategy on the other hand is usually related to the interim and ex post evaluations. However, in the ex ante stage it can already be examined whether the overall design of the interventions and the distribution of the budgetary resources are likely to generate the expected outputs, results and impacts and thus make a noticeable contribution to the achievement of the general objectives of the policy.
For this purpose, the chain of effects between the budgetary inputs for the designed interventions and their expected outputs, results and impacts is assessed. The assessment of the expected effects also helps to check if the target values and annual milestones of the result indicators have been calculated properly and realistically based on the amount of allocated inputs, planned outputs and results.
Learn more about the appraisal of the CAP Strategic Plan’s intervention strategy, targets and milestones in the
Thematic Working Group ‘Preparing for the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan’