Interactive CAP Indicator Dashboards

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Transparency and growth for a more sustainable tomorrow

The common agricultural policy (CAP) benefits the European Union’s agricultural and farming sector as well as rural development and has allowed it to become progressively more market oriented, which has led to an increase in the EU’s competitiveness and trade performance. Through the support to nearly 7 million beneficiaries, the CAP also contributes significantly to the reduction of poverty, increased employment and the renewal of rural areas. While all these claims can be substantiated, how does one really know that the CAP is achieving all that it states it does, and more importantly, where is the data?

In order to increase transparency and facilitate the assessment of policy achievements, like those stated above, as well as to capitalise on the vast amount of information at its disposal, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development, has launched a new ‘CAP Indicator Dashboard’ portal of selected CAP indicators presented visually and interactively. This portal was launched at the end of 2018 and it is going to be updated and expanded as new data arrives.

Dashboards visualise the trends in the CAP indicators. They are interactive and data on different levels (output, results, context and impact indicators) are combined to allow for the visualisation of indicators organised by specific topics. These dashboards compile different databases, including those from Pillar I and II of the CAP. Each dashboard is accompanied by a fiche providing information on the indicator.

Measuring Success

The AGRI common CAP indicator dashboards are made up of data from the common CAP indicators, which are used for the assessment of the CAP’s performance. The European Commission established the common monitoring and evaluation framework (CMEF) in order to assess the performance, it has made in achieving the targets laid forth in the Europe 2020 strategy to achieve smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. The CMEF is a set of rules, procedures and indicators, which allows for the evaluation of the CAP (income support, market measures and rural development). The European Commission and Member States use the CMEF to assess whether the CAP is achieving the following objectives:

  • viable food production, with a focus on agricultural income, agricultural productivity and price stability;
  • sustainable management of natural resources and climate action, with a focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, biodiversity, soil and water;
  • balanced territorial development, with a focus on rural employment, growth and poverty in rural areas.

The CMEF provides key information on the implementation of the CAP through the use of indicators and sub-indicators. These indicator types include:

Visualising Progress

The indicator dashboard is broken down into nine themes. Each theme consists of one interactive dashboard, which provides data and visualisations for an array of context, output, result and impact indicators. These dashboards are searchable and customisable and can be easily downloaded.

Each dashboard contains several data panels which can be filtered and viewed at the EU level as well as by Member State for different years (2015-2016, and 2017 will be added soon), Figures 1-3.

These dashboards can be viewed in comparison between Member States, giving users a vast selection of possibilities, Figure 4.

Additionally, each specific dashboard has a detailed background information sheet which explains where the data came from and how the indicators are calculated. Additional links are also provided to give the user even more information. Other data which is currently available (e.g. productiveness), but that is not in one of the nine dashboards can still be easily accessed and downloaded through the ‘data explorer’, Figure 5.


From Compliance to Performance

With the future CAP changing its emphasis from compliance towards results and performance, a new Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework will establish a single set of objectives at the EU level for direct payments, market measures and rural development. These dashboards and the additional data which have been published can already begin to serve as valuable contributions to the decision-making process in the Member States by providing a basis to identify priority actions and for the formulation and preparation of the upcoming CAP Strategic Plans. These dashboards further serve as an important conduit of information to communicate the main messages of the CAP both in the remainder of this programming period and for the next.

New Updates!

The CAP Indicator Dashboards are updated in a continues fashion as new data is made available. In July 2019 these dashboards have been updated with all 2018 data[1]. At the end of February 2020, three new data points have been added to the dashboards:


These three new features allow stakeholders to have an even better overview of the CAP and the investments being made. The next update of these dashboards will come before the end of 2020.


Explore the CAP Indicator Dashboards

Learn more about the CAP Indicator Dashboards: Rural Evaluation NEWS #12

[1] 2018 Claim Year Data