

Die nationalen Netzwerke für den ländlichen Raum (NLR) tragen in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU zum Erreichen und zur Weiterentwicklung der in den Entwicklungsprogrammen für den ländlichen Raum (EPLR) bestimmten Entwicklungsziele bei. Die NLR ermöglichen und erleichtern den Austausch zwischen all jenen Partnern in Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, die am Vollzug der Politik für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums beteiligt sind.

Die Struktur und die Arbeitsweise der NLR-und ihrer Netzwerkunterstützungsstellen (NUS) werden in der entsprechenden Rubrik im Wesentlichen erläutert. Die NLR-Porträts erstrecken sich auf Ziele, Mitgliedschaft, Führungsstruktur, Finanzausstattung, Kommunikation und Selbstbewertungstätigkeit.

Weiterführende Informationen über die NLR finden Sie hier:

The Austrian Rural Network focuses on informing, building rural stakeholders' awareness, facilitating networking and innovative solutions and strengthening the skills needed for programme implementation.
The Flemish Rural Network aims at being the driving force that generates group dynamics and gets rural areas 'on the move' by informing stakeholders on RDP and fostering innovation in agriculture and forestry.
The Walloon Rural Network encourages rural development by sharing good practice, ideas and information, supporting anyone who lives, works or has an interest in rural Wallonia.
The Bulgarian Rural Network aims to improve the quality of the RDP while increasing the interest of the wider public towards rural areas. It also maintains, supports and structures the conversation between the authorities and the stakeholders.
The Croatian National Rural Network aims to facilitate the involvement and co-operation of all those who participate in rural development, informing the broader public on project possibilities and encouraging innovation in agriculture.
The Cyprus NRN wants to highlight the benefits of networking for rural stakeholders; its main objectives are to increase participation, improve the quality of the rural development policy and increase awareness on the programme opportunities.
The Czech Rural Network considers that appropriate and effective communication tools and sharing of inspirational examples are the most important elements for successful rural development.
The Danish Rural Network's motto is 'Life and countryside'; their purpose is to engage people in the development of rural areas while fostering innovation and ensuring the best possible use of the funds.
The Dutch Rural Network's main role is to be the rural connector in a lively network by informing the broader public and the potential beneficiaries, facilitating debates among the stakeholders and fostering knowledge exchange and development.
The Estonian Rural Network is open for everyone that has an interest in rural development. They believe that flexibility is the greatest strength in supporting rural development programme implementation.
The Finnish Rural Network's main role is to connect people and their ideas, while increasing the quality of implementation and regional visibility of the Rural Development Programme.
The French Rural Network is open to every national structure interested to join the rural network. They foster all kind of cooperation and work together to build the future of rural areas.

The German Rural Network has an informal membership without any application process. Its core tasks are the transfer of know-how and the exchange of experiences at national and European level.

The Greek Rural Network cooperates with the local people for the sustainable future of the countryside. They create dialogue between farmers and researchers, and facilitate the inclusion of all stakeholders in the knowledge sharing process.
The Hungarian Rural Network has two primary objectives: to support the implementation and overall performance of the RDP and to increase social integration and economic development in rural areas.
The Irish Rural Network´s ambition is to maximise the impact of the Rural Development Programme by bringing it into the lives of as many people and communities as possible, and by communicating its key opportunities and outputs to all relevant stakeholders.
The Italian Rural Network aims at supporting rural development policies and fostering a more efficient interaction and exchange of expertise between relevant stakeholders and institutions and those working and living in rural areas.
The Latvian Rural Network believes that supporting the rural youth and lively entrepreneurship is key for successful rural development. For a more effective implementation of the Annual Work Plan, they work with 26 regional representatives.
The Lithuanian Rural Network's main activities are informing, networking, innovating and inducing. Their specific task for the current programming period is to implement the EU Baltic Sea Strategy on bioeconomy.
The Luxembourg Rural Network office is set up in the Ministry of Agriculture and includes various rural development players: organisations, municipalities, nature parks, LAGs, scientists and consultants.
The Maltese Rural Network aims at providing a platform for bringing together rural stakeholders to facilitate and ensure a more effective implementation of the Rural Development Programme.
The Polish Rural Network engages with local partners' initiatives looking for the best ways to support rural development. One of their mains tasks is to stimulate rural communities to undertake initiatives focussed on sustainable development and job creation.
The Portuguese Rural Network aims to connect all that is rural in Portugal and in Europe. It pursues its objectives in collaboration with the national NSU and seven regional antennas.
The Romanian Rural Network connects rural areas to rural development policies, European funding and initiatives, contributing to the understanding and implementation of the RDP.
The Slovak Rural Network connects rural areas to rural development policies, European funding and initiatives, contributing to the understanding and implementation of the RDP.
The Slovenian Rural Network's mission is to encourage communication and networking for rural development through four objectives defined on the basis of the EU Regulation and an additional one - ‘knowledge transfer’.
The Spanish Rural Network is open to all entities/bodies/organisations working in the field of rural development at national scale. One national NSU works to achieve the network'sGlobal and Specific Objectives.
The Swedish Rural Network creates an arena/venue for mutual learning and cooperation to contribute to a sustainable development in Swedish rural and coastal areas.