As part of the International Conference ‘It’s time to fly’, hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the ENRD Contact Point organised a workshop to support the fine-tuning of relevant interventions within the new green architecture of the CAP, with a view to their effective implementation once the CAP Strategic Plans enter into force in January 2023.
The European Green Deal includes environment and climate targets set by the Farm to Fork Strategy and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, such as reducing chemical pesticide use by 50%, reducing nutrient losses from agriculture by 50%, increasing organic farming coverage to 25%, and at least 10% of agricultural area containing high-diversity landscape features. The CAP Strategic Plans must demonstrate and explain how they will contribute to those targets, dedicating at least 25% of their direct payments budget to eco-schemes and at least 35% of EAFRD funding to environment, climate and animal welfare interventions.
The meeting primarily aimed to explore approaches and possible solutions for maximising environmental and climate ambition through the range of interventions Member States are planning to use within their CSPs. Key actors such as Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies and other relevant national experts involved in the drafting and implementation of the CSPs were the target audience.
- Discuss key issues faced relating to the design and future implementation of conditionality, eco-schemes and EAFRD-funded agri-environment-climate interventions, and how to overcome them, to inform the fine-tuning of the CAP Strategic Plans to enable their effective implementation.
- Present and discuss approaches to designing conditionality, eco-schemes and EAFRD interventions in synergy, to address key environmental, climate and animal welfare challenges.
- Encourage further exchange between Member States’ representatives and European Commission officials on the practical aspects related to the implementation of the new green architecture of the CAP, with a focus on identifying key obstacles, possible solutions and need for additional support.
- Collect and share opinions, ideas and other useful input
Background documents