Population (national level) (demo_pop)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Demography and Level of Living

1.5. Contact mail address

Litostrojska cesta 54

SI-1000 Ljubljana


2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 06/02/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 06/02/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 06/02/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Data and metadata are transmitted to Eurostat by the Member States in the framework of the Unified Demographic Data Collection which is in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 and their implementing regulations.

This Euro SDMX Metadata Structure is used for the purpose of quality reporting. The definition of the quality concepts and guidelines are described in the European Statistical System Handbook for Quality Reports.

3.2. Classification system

The regional breakdown of the Member States in the regional demographic tables is done under the most recent NUTS classification. There are agreements between Eurostat and Candidate countries as well as between Eurostat and EFTA countries, for which statistical regions have been coded in a way that resembles NUTS.

For more information on the versions in force, please see: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/.

3.3. Coverage - sector

Not applicable.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Statistical concepts and definitions used in the statistics transmitted to Eurostat
  1. Usually Resident Population  2. Legal Residence Population  3. Registered Residence Population 4. Other 
Population  X      
Live births  X      
Deaths  X      
Immigrants  X      
Emigrants  X      
Acquisitions of citizenship  X      
Loss of citizenship       X
Legally induced abortions  X      
Late foetal deaths  X      
Infant deaths  X      
Marriages  X      
Divorces  X      


3.4.2 Statistical concepts and definitions used in the statistics disseminated in the National Statistical Institute's website
Population Usually resident population.
Live births Usually resident population.
Deaths Usually resident population.
Immigrants Usually resident population.
Emigrants Usually resident population.
Acquisitions of citizenship Usually resident population.
Loss of citizenship Statistics shows the number of persons who lost the citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia in a given reference year regardless of residence.
Legally induced abortions Usually resident population.
Late foetal deaths Usually resident population.
Infant deaths Usually resident population.
Marriages Usually resident population.
Divorces Usually resident population.


3.4.3 Differences in statistical concepts and definitions between the statistics transmitted to Eurostat and those disseminated in the National Statistics Institute's website
Population No deviation.
Live births No deviation.
Deaths No deviation.
Immigrants No deviation.
Emigrants No deviation.
Acquisitions of citizenship No deviation.
Loss of citizenship Loss of citizenship is recorded in the Central Population Register, but generally, most people losing citizenship are not usually resident in the country.
Legally induced abortions No deviation.
Late foetal deaths No deviation.
Infant deaths No deviation.
Marriages No deviation.
Divorces No deviation.
3.5. Statistical unit

Number of persons.

3.6. Statistical population
  Statistical population
Population  Not available.
Live births  Not available.
Deaths  Not available.
Immigrants  Not available.
Emigrants  Not available.
Acquisitions of citizenship  Not available.
Loss of citizenship  Not available.
Legally induced abortions  Not available.
Late foetal deaths  Not available.
Infant deaths  Not available.
Marriages  Not available.
Divorces  Not available.
3.7. Reference area

Population, live births and deaths data are available at national and regional level of geographical detail.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Population, births, deaths: since 1922.

Migration, marriages, divorces: from 1954.

3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Data is collected at unit (person) level.

5. Reference Period Top

The reference date for population data is the end of the reference period (midnight of 31 December).
The reference period for vital and dual events data is the calendar year in which the events occurred. The reference period for migration flow data is the calendar year in which the migration occurred.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Legal framework of Slovene national statistics: http://www.stat.si/StatWeb/en/LegislationAndDocuments/LegisAndDocs.

National Statistics Act: http://www.stat.si/dokument/5186/NationalStatisticsAct.pdf.

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

National Statistics Act defines the role and co-operation of SURS and authorised producers concerning the organisation, preparation, execution of statistical programmes and reporting about them as well as respect of the fundamental principles, data dissemination and international co-operation.

Specific agreements are signed with data producing agencies, determining the procedures, deadlines etc. regarding data sharing and transmission.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy


7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Not applicable.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar


8.2. Release calendar access


8.3. Release policy - user access

National release data is published online for the entire year ahead. Registered users (free registration online) can get an email on all the releases on the subjects they choose for the coming week. Users can also register to receive a link to new releases as they are published.

All demographic statistics are disseminated online in a lot of detail (down to settlement level in case of population, LAU2 level in other cases). More detailed data are provided upon request if confidentiality is not compromised.

Access to microdata can be granted: http://www.stat.si/StatWeb/en/StaticPages/Index/For-Researchers.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Population: quarterly.

Births and deaths: provisional estimates based on incomplete data sources are published monthly, more complete provisional data are published quarterly.

Vital and dual events: annually, some provisional data are published quarterly.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release


10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not applicable.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database


10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Access to microdata can be granted: http://www.stat.si/StatWeb/en/StaticPages/Index/For-Researchers.

10.5. Dissemination format - other




10.6. Documentation on methodology
  Documentation on methodology
Population http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/7989.
Live births http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/9521/05-3018-1-ME.pdf.
Deaths http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/9514/05-3018-3-ME.pdf.
Immigrants http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/9519/05-3020-ME.pdf.
Emigrants http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/9519/05-3020-ME.pdf.
Acquisitions of citizenship http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/9519/05-3020-ME.pdf.
Loss of citizenship http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/9519/05-3020-ME.pdf.
Legally induced abortions Not available.
Late foetal deaths Not available.
Infant deaths http://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/9514/05-3018-3-ME.pdf.
Marriages https://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/11447/05-3019-1-ME.pdf.
Divorces https://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/11449/05-3019-2-ME.pdf.
Surface in km2 Not available.
10.7. Quality management - documentation


11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance
   Quality assurance
Citizenship Definition as stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007.
Country of birth Definition as stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007; country of residence of the mother at the time of the birth.
Country of birth of the mother Definition as stated in Article 2(c) of Regulation (EU) No 205/2014; country of residence of the mother's mother at the time of the birth of the mother.
Country of previous usual residence Definition as stated in Article 2(a) of Regulation (EU) No 351/2010.
Country of next usual residence Definition as stated in Article 2(b) of Regulation  (EU) No 351/2010.
Deaths Definition as stated in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013.
Divorce Divorce is a final legal dissolution of a marriage.
Emigrants Definition as stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007.
First-time marrying person First-time marrying person means a person contracting marriage for the first time in life.
First-time registering partner Not available.
Foetal death Not available.
Foreign-born Definition as stated in Article 2(e) of Regulation (EU) No 351/2010. 
Immigrants Definition as stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007. 
Infant death Infant death means the death of a live-born infant who has not yet completed 1 year of life.
Late foetal death Late foetal deaths are foetal deaths of 28 or more completed weeks of gestation. 
Legally induced abortions Legal abortion is artificial termination of pregnancy up to the 10th week of pregnancy (on a woman's request) or in late pregnancy (with the permission of the Commission for Artificial Termination of Pregnancy and Sterilisation) and artificial termination of pregnancy because of severe prenatal anomalies of the foetus or when a woman's health or life are at risk and are additionally coded with ICD-10 codes.
Level of development Not available.
Live birth Definition as stated in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013. 
Live birth order Live birth order means the numerical order of live birth being recorded in relation to all previous live births of the mother.
Marriage Marriage is the act, ceremony or process by which the legal relationship of the partners is constituted.
Native born Definition as stated in Article 2(d) of Regulation (EU) No 351/2010.
Person contracting legal union for first-time Not available.
Regional Definition as stated in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013.
Registered partnership Not available.
Registered partnership legally dissolved Not available.
Separation Not available.
11.2. Quality management - assessment
11.2.1. Quality assessment: Type of duration of stay used when counting a person as a migrant according to Art. 2(b) of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007
  1. Actual duration of stay of at least 12 months 2. Intended duration of stay of at least 12 months 3. Actual and intended duration of stay of at least 12 months 4. Other. Please specify
Nationals Immigrants     X  
Emigrants     X  
EEA citizens Immigrants     X  
Emigrants     X  
Non EEA citizens Immigrants     X  
Emigrants     X  


11.2.2. Quality assessment of the definition of acquisitions of citizenship according to Art. 3(d) of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007
  1. Acquisitions of citizenship granted to persons having their usual residence in the territory of the Member State 2. Other. Please specify
Acquisitions of citizenship  X  

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs


12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction


12.3. Completeness

All statistics that are needed are available.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall
  Overall accuracy and special cases (Inclusion/exclusion of asylum seekers and refugees, persons living on unauthorised or irregular basis, international students, persons who do not register/deregister,...)
Population The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Live births The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. Cases counted as 'Unknown' in breakdowns by duration of gestation and by birth weight are due to these data missing in the data source (mostly for births occurring abroad). No "unknown" category in other breakdowns/variables.
Deaths The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Immigrants The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Emigrants The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Acquisitions of citizenship The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Loss of citizenship The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Legally induced abortions The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Late foetal deaths The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Infant deaths The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Marriages The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
Divorces The definitions are consistent with EU regulations. Persons with granted refugee status/subsidiary protection are included; asylum seekers who meet usual residence criteria (registered residence with at least 12 months' validity) are included. Refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in the EU are included. The controls carried out ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units. No "unknown" category in any breakdowns/variables.
13.2. Sampling error
  Sampling error
Population  Not available.
Live births  Not available.
Deaths  Not available.
Immigrants  Not available.
Emigrants  Not available.
Acquisitions of citizenship  Not available.
Loss of citizenship  Not available.
Legally induced abortions  Not available.
Late foetal deaths  Not available.
Infant deaths  Not available.
Marriages  Not available.
Divorces  Not available.
13.3. Non-sampling error
  Non-sampling error (coverage error, measurement error, non-response error, processing error, model assumption error)
Population  Not available.
Live births  Not available.
Deaths  Not available.
Immigrants  Not available.
Emigrants  Not available.
Acquisitions of citizenship  Not available.
Loss of citizenship  Not available.
Legally induced abortions  Not available.
Late foetal deaths  Not available.
Infant deaths  Not available.
Marriages  Not available.
Divorces  Not available.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

According to Article 4 (2) of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 205/2014, each year Member States shall provide the Commission (Eurostat) with data at national and regional level as described in Annex II and related standard reference metadata (In the metadata structure definition defined for the Euro SDMX Metadata Structure) for the reference year within 12 months of the end of the reference year. According to Article 3 (2) of the Commission Regulation (EC) No 862/2007, Statistics on international migration, usually resident population and acquisition of citizenship shall be supplied to the Commission (Eurostat) within 12 months of the end of the reference year.

14.2. Punctuality

Not applicable.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Statistics are completely comparable between geographical areas.

15.2. Comparability - over time
  Comparability - over time

Data available from 1922 on.


1996 – foreign citizens included in population

2009 – usually resident population definition introduced (harmonisation with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).

From 1 Ocober 2020 we use additional criteria for inclusion in the population of Slovenia for a part of the population due to an administrative change: The Residence Registration Act (OJ RS, No. 52/16), which entered into force on 13 August 2016, stipulates in the fourth paragraph of Article 53 that temporary departure from the territory of the Republic of Slovenia ceases four years after the introduction of the Act (unless it has ceased before then). Namely, temporary departures abroad were registered without time limits before 13 August 2016, while after this date the registration of a temporary address abroad lasts a maximum of 4 years. In view of the above, on 13 August 2020, temporary address abroad ceased to 22,248 individuals ex officio. According to the existing statistical methodology, 18,500 of these individuals would be included in the population count on 1 October 2020. Using different additional data sources, especially those that define a person's activity status and using which we assume that a person is actually present in Slovenia, SURS eventually included fewer than 7,500 of these persons in the final population count (among them 97% Slovenian citizens and 3% foreigners). The majority of these residents most likely returned to Slovenia years or even decades ago, but failed to register their return at the administrative unit for whatever reason. The 2019-2020 increase in population number is therefore partly due to this administrative change, mitigated by the use of additional data sources to determine actual presence in the country.

Live births

Data available from 1922 on.


1996 – foreign citizens included in the count

2009 – usually resident population definition introduced (harmonisation with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).


Data available from 1922 on.


1996 – foreign citizens included in the count

2009 – usually resident population definition introduced (harmonisation with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).


Data available from 1954 on.

Until 1992 data on international migration included migration of citizens of all republics of former Yugoslavia who registered or deregistered permanent residence in Slovenia.

Between 1992 and 1994 only the migration of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia to the address of permanent residence is included.

Between 1995 and 2007 the data on migration were prepared in accordance with the statistical definition of population published in 1996. Data on migrations included also the data on migration of foreigners. 

Data on international migration for 2008 and on are prepared in accordance with the changed statistical definition of population published in 2008 (harmonized with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).

The large increase in the number of immigrants in 2020 was a consequence of the enforcement of the provisions of the Residence Registration Act (OJ RS, No. 52/16), i.e. cessation of temporary residence abroad. In view of the above, on 13 August 2020, temporary address abroad ceased to 22,248 individuals ex officio. According to the existing statistical methodology, 18,500 of these individuals would be included in the population and immigration count in 2020. Using different additional data sources, especially those that define a person's activity status and using which we assume that a person is actually present in Slovenia, SURS eventually included fewer than 7,500 of these persons in the final population count (among them 97% Slovenian citizens and 3% foreigners). The majority of these residents most likely immigrated to Slovenia years or even decades ago, but failed to register their return at the administrative unit for whatever reason.


Data available from 1954 on.

Until 1992 data on international migration included migration of citizens of all republics of former Yugoslavia who registered or deregistered permanent residence in Slovenia.

Between 1992 and 1994 only the migration of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia to the address of permanent residence is included.

Between 1995 and 2007 the data on migration were prepared in accordance with the statistical definition of population published in 1996. Data on migrations included also the data on migration of foreigners. 

Data on international migration for 2008 and on are prepared in accordance with the changed statistical definition of population published in 2008 (harmonized with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).

Acquisitions of citizenship Data are available from 2007-2013 on annual or monthly basis from Ministry of Internal Affairs. Data harmonized with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 are available from SURS on an annual basis from 2014 on.
Loss of citizenship Data are available from 2007-2013 on annual or monthly basis. Data from 2014 on are available from SURS on an annual basis.
Legally induced abortions Not available.
Late foetal deaths Not available.
Infant deaths Not available.

Data available from 1954 on.


1996 – marriages conducted by foreign citizens included if persons counted as population

2009 – usually resident population definition introduced (harmonisation with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).


Data available from 1954 on.


1996 – marriages conducted by foreign citizens included if persons counted as population

2009 – usually resident population definition introduced (harmonisation with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007).

Surface in km2 Not available.
15.3. Coherence - cross domain

The same concept of usually resident population is used in the whole national statistical system.

Differences between Residence Permits Statistics and International Migration Statistics:

Reasons for difference between issued first residence permits (RP) and immigration:
98% of the difference is caused by persons whose initial RP may be valid for under 12 months, but they are included in the IM flow if their RP (or consecutive RPs) is extended to a total of 12+ months during the year (see Example 1 below).
The remaining 2% are 3rd country citizens with registered permanent residence in Slovenia (their RP has been valid for several years) who have returned to Slovenia after temporary absence of 1 year or more.

Reasons for difference between valid residence permits (RP) and 3rd coutry citizens in population stock:

89% of the difference is due to residence being registered later than the start of validity of the RP (see Example 2 below).
The remaining 11% are 3rd country citizens with registered permanent residence in Slovenia (their RP has been valid for several years) who are temporarily absent from Slovenia for 1 year or more.

EXAMPLE 1: Person A comes to Slovenia on 1 February 2022 with a residence permit valid for 6 months, until 31 July 2022. On 31 July 2022 person A gets an extension of their permit for 7 more months, valid until 1 March 2023. So on 31 July 2022 we know that A's stay in Slovenia is intended as 12 or more months, so they are included in the immigrants count. However, as regards residence permits, A's first (6-month) permit was not included in the RP count.

EXAMPLE 2: Person B is issued a residence permit valid for 12 months on 15 November 2022 (valid until 15 November 2023). They, however, do not register residence in Slovenia until 20 November 2022, and their residence is only valid as long as the permit is valid, namely until 15 November 2020, making B's intended length of stay a little under 12 months. Therefore B is not considered an immigrant (at least not in 2022), but of course B's residence permit was counted in the RP count.

15.4. Coherence - internal

All components of the demographic equation use the same definition so the equation in itself is balanced and coherent. The use of the same source (Central Population Register) and same concepts in all demographic statistics ensures coherent data.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Data for national needs and international dissemination are provided at optimum costs.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Final demographic data are not revised.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Not applicable.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
  List of data sources
Population Central Population Register.
Live births Central Population Register, National Institute of Public Health.
Deaths Central Population Register, National Institute of Public Health.
Immigrants Central Population Register.
Emigrants Central Population Register.
Acquisitions of citizenship Central Population Register.
Loss of citizenship Central Population Register.
Legally induced abortions National Institute of Public Health.
Late foetal deaths National Institute of Public Health.
Infant deaths National Institute of Public Health, Central Population Register.
Marriages Central Population Register. 
Divorces Central Population Register, e-questionnaires filled in by district courts.
Surface in km2 Not available.
18.2. Frequency of data collection

From Central Population Register: monthly, quarterly.

From National Institute of Public Health: annually.

From District Courts: monthly.

18.3. Data collection

Data from the Central Population Register and the National Institute of Public Health are transmitted electronically as per agreement between institutions. Questionnaires on divorces are filled in on-line by district courts. All data are processed according to the “usual residence” definition.

18.4. Data validation

Controls are carried out on the bases of reference date population and demographic events, all data are controlled on individual level by using PINs and PINs of mother/father/spouse. Additional controls ensure that data are consistent within a time series as well as on all territorial units.

18.5. Data compilation

PIN's are used to link records. Persons appearing in vital and dual events are assigned their usual residence from SURS-derived population database.

18.6. Adjustment

Population of previous year plus natural change (live births minus deaths) plus net migration (immigrants minus emigrants) equals the population on 1 January of this year (the demographic balance for total population)

The equation is not necessarily consistent if only non-national population is looked at because some events can be registered with a delay in the Central Population Register and might not be recorded by SURS because of too long a delay.

19. Comment Top

Not applicable.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top