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Usually resident population on 1 January (demo_urespop)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: National Institute for Statistics

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Total usually resident population for the purposes of qualified majority voting in the Council.

30 July 2024

Usually resident population, on 1 January, includes all persons who have their usual residence in Romania for a period of at least 12 months.

The coverage of the resident population represents all persons of Romanian citizenship, foreign or stateless who have their usual residence in Romania for a period of at least 12 months.

The resident population of Romania consists of:

  •  the persons regardless of citizenship having their usual residence in Romania; 
  •  the persons of Romanian citizenship who live abroad for less than 12 months (border and seasonal workers, people  left for studies, for medical treatment or tourism purposes, etc..)
  •  the persons of foreign citizenship, settled in Romania for a period of at least 12 months (including the staff -including the members of their households- of European Union institutions and of international civil organizations located in the geographical territory of the country);
  •  the members (including the members of their households) of national armed forces deployed in the rest of the world; 
  •  the national diplomatic personnel posted abroad; 
  •  the persons of Romanian citizenship (including the members of their households) which are crews members of the fishing vessels, other vessels, aircraft and floating platforms operating partly or entirely outside the economic territory;
  • the number of refugees (persons granted international protection) on the basis of "intended stay" from country's perspective.


Simultaneously, the resident population of Romania does not include:

  • the persons, regardless of citizenship, located in Romania for less than 12 months (border and seasonal workers, people coming for studies, for medical treatment or for tourism purposes etc.).
  • the Romanian citizenship persons who have their usual residence abroad for a period longer than 12 months;
  • the members of the armed forces of a foreign country, deployed in Romania; 
  • the foreign diplomatic personnel posted in Romania;
  • nationals settled aboad for a period of at least 12 months (including the staff -including the members of their households- of European Union institutions and of international civil organizations located in the geographical territory of another country);
  • asylum seekers.

We cannot identify if persons who may be illegal, irregular or undocumented migrants are included or excluded in usual resident population.

The usually resident population on 1st January of the reference year includes all persons (Romanian citizens, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship) who have had or intend to have their usual residence in Romania for at least 12 months.

The usual residence is the place where a person normally spends the daily period of rest, regardless of temporary absences for purposes of recreation, holidays, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage. The usual residence may be the same as the permanent residence or may differ from it, for persons who choose to establish their usual residence in a locality other than the locality of permanent residence, in the country or abroad.

The usually resident population includes the persons who immigrated to Romania but excludes the persons who emigrated from Romania.


The method used to calculate the “usually resident population” indicator is the components method:




- The usually resident population at moment t+1;


- The usually resident population at moment t;

 Nt, t+1

- The number of children born alive in the t – t+1 period, whose mothers had their usual residence in Romania at the time of giving birth;

 Dt, t+1

- The number of persons who died in the t – t+1 period, who had their usual residence in Romania at the time of their death;

 ΔMt, t+1

- The net long-term temporary international migration in the t – t+1 period;


 ΔMt, t+1 =  +PTt - Et


 It- the flow of immigrants determined at the time of January 1, year t;  

PTt  - the number of people with Ukrainian citizenship who benefit from temporary protection on January 1, year t

Et - the flow of emigrants determined at the time of January 1, year t;




: The usually resident population on 1st January also includes records of births and deaths occurred abroad and in the country prior to the t moment and which were declared late in the civil status offices.


Not applicable.

Data are available at national level of geographical detail.

The reference date for population data is the end of the reference period (midnight of 31 December).

 Please provide an overall quantitative and qualitative assessment of the quality of the estimates of the total usually resident population.




Net migration

Posible slightly over/under coverage estimation, due to lack of strong sources for exact figures on emigration and immigration (especialy for the returs and EU member states) needed to compute resident population

Posible slightly over/under coverage estimation, due to lack of strong sources for exact figures on immigration (especialy for the returs and EU member states) 

Posible slightly over/under coverage estimation, due to lack of strong sources for exact figures on emigration. We used "mirror statistics" to estimate emigration figures.

Net migration is computed as immigration minus emigration, so there is a posible slightly over/under coverage estimation due to lack of strong sources for exact figures on emigration and immigration


Not applicable.

Data sources used:

- 2021 Population Census

- Vital Statistics

- Migration Statistics


For the purposes of qualified majority voting in the Council, Member States shall provide the Commission (Eurostat) with data on the total population at national level at the reference time, in accordance with Article 2 ( c ), within eight months of the end of the reference year.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.