Primary data
Primary data is available for 2022, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009, and 2006. It includes the following information:
- microdata: land cover, land use, and environmental parameters associated with the individual points surveyed
- point and landscape photos in the 4 cardinal directions
- soil data (not collected in every survey)
Soil data
The datasets for the LUCAS topsoil module are available from the European soil data centre (ESDAC).
The report LUCAS topsoil survey: Methodology, data and results provides detailed insights into the design and methodology of the 2009 data collection and laboratory analysis.
Master grid
The LUCAS 2x2 km2 master grid is the starting point for the LUCAS survey design. This is the list of geo-referenced points in the EU from which the sample is selected. Each point is characterised by its land cover.
For a detailed description, consult the Lucas master grid record descriptor.
LUCAS photos
To access and download the LUCAS photos for a certain year, please click on a link below:
For each year, there is a subset of countries for which photos available. Please click through the levels to make your selection. Due to the large number of files available, we recommend that you use a command line tool/script to download these files.
For more information on data protection, please consult our webpage on statistical confidentiality and personal data protection.