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Accessibility Statement

This statement applies to content published via the EUSurvey application:

The EUSurvey application is managed by Digital services (DG DIGIT) and is designed to be accessible to as many people as possible, including those with disabilities.

This accessibility statement concerns:

Please note that this statement does not cover the back-office or administrative features of the application.

Accessibility features

You should be able to:

Keyboard Navigation: The EUSurvey application supports keyboard navigation with the following shortcuts:

Action Keyboard Shortcut Example
Move forward the focus TAB Navigate to the next actionable element.
Move backward the focus MAJ + TAB Return to the previous actionable element.
Activate or close a link, button, or dialog ENTER Open the 'Contact Form' link or close a dialog
Select/unselect combo boxes, checkboxes, or radio buttons SPACE BAR Check or uncheck an option.
Navigate dropdown menus ARROWS UP / DOWN Scroll through options in dropdown menus.
Note: Only actionable elements (e.g., buttons, links) are focusable in line with the accessibility guidelines.

Compliance and Testing The EUSurvey application complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA.

To ensure compliance:

Feedback Mechanism We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of the EUSurvey service. If you encounter accessibility barriers, please use our Feedback form and select the option 'I have an accessibility enquiry'.

We aim to respond to all enquiries within 15 business days.

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology The EUSurvey service is designed to work with:

The service also supports mobile web browsers and screen readers, including VoiceOver (iOS) and TalkBack (Android). However, some advanced survey layouts may not display as intended on smaller screens.

Non-accessible content Despite our commitment to accessibility, some limitations may exist:

If you encounter any issues not listed above, please contact us so we can address them.

Technical specifications The accessibility of the EUSurvey service relies on the following web technologies:

These technologies are designed to ensure compatibility with assistive tools and modern design browsers.