The Roadmap for a Circular Resource Efficiency Management plan offers cities and urban areas a structured, step-by-step approach to develop a substantiated plan of action that improves resource...
On 24 and 25 of November 2020, the Partnership on Culture and Cultural Heritage will present and discuss its final Actions during a digital conference, the Digital Forum on the Action Plan.
Cities play a decisive role in developing pragmatic and future oriented solutions for the challenges ahead – and urban mobility is a key topic that strongly affects the daily life of European...
Every city faces the challenges of urban mobility: how can we make sure that citizens can get around quickly and safely every day, while also not harming the environment? That’s why, we are...
Without a deep and comprehensive ‘renovation wave’ across Europe, the EU will not be able to meet its climate ambitions. That’s because the building sector is both the largest...
This document lists some of the essential principles and components that serve as necessary preconditions for the digital transformation process to provide user-friendly online services and involve...
From June 2019 to July 2020, JPI Urban Europe organised a series of AGORA Stakeholder activities with the aim to unfold the dilemmas of public space development and maintenance. 65 urban actors with...
The European Commission, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions published on 24 August 2020 a communication related to the EU...
The first outcome of Action 6 on improving regulation to boost nature-based solutions aims at analysing related EU policies and strategies for NBS, identifying which are the most relevant and...
In order to develop the full potential of the active modes of transport, cycling and walking infrastructure has to be designed properly. However, there are no European level standards or...
This Background Paper presents the draft actions developed by the Partnership on Culture / Cultural Heritage and submitted to Public Feedback. Read all the actions and contribute to the Public...
This Background Paper presents the draft actions developed by the Partnership on Security in Public Spaces and submitted to Public Feedback. Read all the actions and contribute to the Public Feedback...
A deliverable of Action 2 of the Urban Agenda Energy Transition Partnership, the policy recommendation paper on maximising the use of waste heat in cities is now available. The recommendations are...
The Coordinators’ and Action Leaders’ Meeting 2020 was held as online meetings over 4 days. The core meetings took place on 3 and 5 June 2020 . Day 1 (3 June) presented the state of play...