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Technical Support Instrument (TSI)

About the TSI

The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) is the EU programme that provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU Member States to design and implement reforms. The support is demand driven and does not require co-financing from Member States. It is an important pillar of the EU’s initiative to help Member States mitigate the economic and social consequences of the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis.

Smart, sustainable and socially responsible reforms help to strengthen the resilience of our economies and societies. The TSI offers Member States a unique service to help them tackle reform challenges. The support can take the form of, for example, strategic and legal advice, studies, training and expert visits on the ground. It can cover any phase in the reform process. From preparation and design to development and implementation of the reforms.

The technical support is provided in a wide range of policy areas, including but not limited to climate action, digital transition and health. Member States can also request support to prepare, amend, implement and revise their national recovery and resilience plans under the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

By providing on the ground support to overcome reform challenges, the TSI helps Member States to recover from the social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, to improve the quality of public services and to reinforce sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The TSI is the successor programme of the Structural Reform Support Programme (2017-2020) and builds on its experience in building capacity in Member States. The European Commission's Reform and Investment Task Force (SG REFORM) manages the TSI.

TSI support for reforms

  • starts with a request for support from an EU Member State
  • is tailor-made to address the country's needs
  • provides a unique combination of expertise from the European Commission, EU Member States’  national administrations, international organisations and/or the private sector
  • strengthens the capacity of an EU Member State to carry out reforms
  • requires no co-financing


€864 million for the period 2021-2027 (in current prices)

Types of support

EU Member States can request technical support under the TSI to:

  • implement resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of EU economic governance, such as those arising from country-specific recommendations under the European Semester and by virtue of implementing EU law
  • prepare, amend, implement and revise national recovery and resilience plans under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • implement economic adjustment programmes
  • implement reforms undertaken at their own initiative

How does it work?

An EU Member State wishing to receive technical support submits a request to the Commission, via a national Coordinating Authority. This request must be submitted by 31 October of each year.

TSI 2025 Call

Support may be provided directly through the Commission’s in-house expertise or with other providers of technical support:

  • experts from EU Member States' national administrations (TAIEX)
  • international organisations
  • private firms and consultancies
  • individual experts from the private sector

TAIEX-TSI Peer 2 Peer is an instrument managed in cooperation with the Directorate General for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement part of the TSI of SG REFORM. The instrument allows experts from national administrations to exchange expertise through expert missions, study visits and workshops. The instrument is only available for projects selected under the TSI.

Reform areas covered

The TSI provides technical support to Member States in a wide range of policy areas. These include:

  • Green transition (including climate action, circular economy and energy transition)
  • Digital transition
  • Health and long-term care
  • Skills, education and training
  • Governance and public administration
  • Competitiveness
  • Financial sector and access to finance
  • Revenue administration and public financial management
  • Labour market and social protection
  • Migration management


The 2024 Technical Support Instrument Annual Conference: “Reforms with an impact: together we are stronger!”, hosted by the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira and SG REFORM, was a great success.

On 24 and 25 April 2024 in Brussels, the Conference brought together high-level inspirational speakers and panelists from the EU Member States, the EU institutions, fellow international organizations and academia to discuss how the EU supports the Member States reform process and how best we could keep supporting them in the future.

Conference webpage

Project in the spotlight

On a regular basis, the European Commission chooses a project to be its ‘project in the spotlight’. The featured projects, from different policy areas and in different countries, are selected on the basis of effective implementation, promising results on the ground as well as a potential to be replicated across the EU. In this way, the Commission seeks to encourage best practices.

This time, we are presenting a project that supported the establishment a comprehensive Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) across Croatia, enhancing the efficiency and availability of emergency medical care, particularly in remote and isolated areas. 

Establishment of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in Croatia

Examples of projects

So far, more than 1800 reform projects have been supported in 27 Member States. These include:

  • improving the operational capacity and efficiency of public administrations
  • modernising public financial management
  • reforming tax administrations
  • developing the digital economy
  • achieving climate and energy goals
  • attracting foreign direct investment
  • reforming education systems
  • improving financing opportunities under the Capital-Markets-Union initiative
  • improving the efficiency of dealing with non-performing loans

Reform Support website


For more on the TSI:

Directorate General for Structural Reform Support: SG-REFORM-TSIatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SG-REFORM-TSI[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

TSI National Coordinating Authorities contacts

Entities implementing EU funds under indirect management:





  • 25 SEPTEMBER 2017
SG REFORM brochure - General
  • 19 NOVEMBER 2024
Delivering on Reforms