Urban dimension of cohesion policy
The 2014-2020 period has put the urban dimension at the very heart of Cohesion Policy. At least 50% of the ERDF resources for this period will be invested in urban areas. This could increase even further, later in the period. Around 10 billion euros from the ERDF will be directly allocated to integrated strategies for sustainable urban development. And about 750 cities will be empowered to implement these integrated strategies for sustainable urban development.
Learn more about the way European cities will benefit from EU's Regional Policy
The EU Urban Agenda
Cities are one of the major players as they directly or indirectly implement EU policies on the ground and therefore contribute to EU's major policy objectives. Action is needed at EU, national and city level to ensure that cities are able to fulfil their potential in this role.
Through the Urban Agenda for the EU, national governments, the European Commission, European institutions and other stakeholders will be working together for a sustainable, innovative and economically powerful Europe that offers a good quality of life.
Urban Portal : Overview of European programmes and initiatives with an urban dimension
Originally Published | 16 Jul 2018 |
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