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Overview   EU citizenship and free movement

EU citizenship and free movement

Call for proposals on Town-Twinning and Networks of Towns

Would you like to develop a town-twinning project or a network of towns in an EU context? The Commission makes 11 million Euro available for transnational projects promoting exchanges between citizens from municipalities of different countries. These projects will give citizens the chance to broaden their perspective and to develop a sense of European belonging and identity. At the same time these projects will encourage the active cooperation and exchange between municipalities.

Report on the right of EU citizens to vote and stand as candidates in municipal elections

Today, the European Commission publishes its third Report on the right of EU citizens to vote and stand as candidates in municipal elections when they live in another EU Member State, taking stock of how such “mobile” citizens have exercised these rights since 2012, and pointing the way to improving knowledge of their democratic participation, informing and raise awareness of this right among citizens, making voting easier as a process, and engaging with stakeholders to help achieve this.

Hearing on EU Citizenship in practice: our common values, rights and democratic participation

A hearing will be jointly organised by the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers) and the European Parliament (LIBE, PETI, AFCO and JURI Committees) on 15 March 2016. This constitutes a timely opportunity to further reflect, with all actors concerned, on concrete avenues to advance EU citizenship in this context. The objective of the hearing will be to look at ways of simplifying and facilitating the exercise of EU citizens' rights in their daily life, as well as to promote our common values and democratic participation.