Programme description
Main objectives
The main objectives of the Operational Programme (OP) are to promote sustainable transport modes and remove bottlenecks on key network infrastructures in order to enable a competitive economy and adequate transport services.
Funding priorities
The Programme will focus on the following main priorities:
- Improvement of the railway infrastructure and support for sustainable transport modes
- Support for construction or modernisation of motorway and expressways on the TEN-T network and support for the deployment of alternative fuel stations
- Improving the connection of regions and secondary nodes to the road network
Expected impacts
- 140km of reconstructed or upgraded railway lines
- 8km of new or upgraded metro or tram lines
- 12% performance increase of combined transport
- 140 new or upgraded mobile rail assets
- 95km of new motorways and expressways on the TEN-T
- 15 000kW additional capacity for recharging e-vehicles
- 40km new or upgraded major roads in the regions
- fewer accidents in urban areas due to the deployment of intelligent transport systems (ITS)
Cohesion Fund (CF): 3.657.452.860,00 €
Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 902.317.139,00 €
Thematic priorities
View the dataFinancial information
Total OP budget: 5.364.435.295,00 €
Total EU contribution: 4.559.769.999,00 €
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