European Commission
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Integrated Transport OP

Programme description

Main objectives

This programme includes the main transport infrastructure investments. It focuses on further developing highways and railways across the country, improving public transport services not only in and around the capital, but also in the main cities, and, in improving regional accessibility. As the results, the highways will reach the borders, and more "cities with county rights" will have direct link to the trans-European transport network. Railway modernisation will continue along the main corridors across the country, with several stations to be upgraded (Békéscsaba, Székesfehérvár, Szombathely). Urban transport will be further developed both in and around Budapest. Other large cities will also benefit from urban transport investments, and light train developments will link cities in the country together.

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on four main priorities:

  • Improve international road accessibility
  • Improve international railway accessibility
  • Developing sustainable urban and suburban transport
  • Improving access to the TEN-T road network

Expected Impacts

  • Almost 240 km highway to be built to reach the borders
  • Improved travel times on railways, close to 280 km railway line to be upgraded
  • Decrease in navigation accidents on the Danube from the current annual 75
  • Public transport to become a more attractive alternative with over 132 km metro, tram and local train lines to be built or upgraded



Cohesion Fund (CF): 2.700.708.949,00 €

Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 631.099.276,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 3.919.774.388,00 €

Total EU contribution: 3.331.808.225,00 €

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