Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges
Programme description
Main objectives
The programme aims to foster the economic growth in Malta and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart sustainable and inclusive growth.
The programme will focus on 8 main priorities:
- strengthening research, technological development and innovation
- enhancing access to, and use and quality of ICT
- enhancing competitiveness of SMEs
- supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy
- preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency
- promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructure
- promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and discrimination
- investing in education, training and vocational training.
Funding priorities
ERDF resources will be invested in:
- climate change (18,5%)
- protecting natural and cultural heritage (18%)
- research infrastructure and related activities (16%)
- business development (14%)
- renewable energy and energy efficiency (11%)
- education and health infrastructure (14%).
- sustainable urban development (5%)
Cohesion Fund resources will be allocated to waste and water manangement infrastructure (65%) and TEN-T and sustainable transport systems (35%).
The programme foresees that 6.1% of ERDF resources will be implemented through financial instruments, which, together with Malta's contribution to the SME Initiative, brings Malta's contribution to financial instruments to 9.2% of the total ERDF allocation, tripling the allocations to financial instruments made in the previous programming period.
Expected results
- doubling of private sector expenditure in R&D, thus contributing to achieve the 2020 target of 2% of GDP invested in R&D,
- 20% increase in SME annual added value
- fivefold increase in installed photovoltaic renewable energy capacity contributing to achieve the 10% renewable energy target by 2020
- lifting 6,500 persons out of risk of poverty
doubling the percentage of recycled waste and related reduction of more than 40% of volume of waste landfilled
Cohesion Fund (CF): 204.992.109,00 €
Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 350.516.282,00 €
Thematic priorities
View the dataFinancial information
Total OP budget: 672.921.971,00 €
Total EU contribution: 555.508.391,00 €
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