Integrated Infrastructure
Programme description
The programme will substantially contribute to promoting the key EU and national development priorities:
- "Railway Infrastructure (TEN-T Core) and Rolling Stock Renewal" (Cohesion Fund - 18% of the EU allocation): projects related to the modernisation and development of rail transport infrastructure on those railway lines which are of crucial importance for economic growth and improvement of the mobility of the Slovak and EU population.
- "Road Infrastructure (TEN-T Core)" (Cohesion Fund – 28% of the EU allocation): eliminating major bottlenecks within the TEN-T road infrastructure with an emphasis on sustainability, cost efficiency, increased road traffic safety, and reduction of the socio-economic and environmental impact of road transport.
- "Public Passenger Transport" (Cohesion Fund – 8% of the EU allocation): providing support to public transport in major cities in Slovakia.
- "Waterway Transport Infrastructure (TEN-T Core)" (Cohesion Fund – 3% of the EU allocation): creating conditions for improvments in the navigability of the Danube river and improvements in Bratislava's port.
- "Railway Infrastructure (other than TEN-T Core)" (ERDF – 7% of the EU allocation): modernising rail transport infrastructure outside TEN-T corridors.
- "Road Infrastructure (other than TEN-T Core)" (ERDF – 12% of the EU allocation): modernising road infrastructure outside TEN-T core networks.
- "Information Society" (ERDF – 20% of the EU allocation): increasing broadband coverage, enhancing the quality, standard and accessibility of e-Government services for businesses and citizens.
- "Technical Assistance" (ERDF – 2% of the EU allocation): provision of technical assistance.
Funding priorities
The Programme will focus on the following main priorities:
- Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by:
- supporting a multimodal Single European Transport Area by investing in TEN-T.
- developing and improving environmentally friendly (including low-noise) and low-carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable and regional mobility.
- Developing and rehabilitating comprehensive, high quality and interoperable railway systems, and promoting noise-reduction measures.
- Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, ICT by:
- Extending broadband deployment and the roll-out of high-speed networks and supporting the adoption of emerging technologies and networks for the digital economy.
Expected impacts
- Total length of reconstructed or upgraded railway lines on TEN-T network: 56 km
- Total length of newly built TEN-T roads: 104 km
- Total length of new or improved tram lines: 27 km
- 78 pieces of the new rolling stock: trams and trolleybuses
- Additional households with broadband access of at least 30 Mbps: 49,9%
11 December 2019
OP R&I merged with the OP Integrated Infrastructure by Commission decision C(2019)9078 on 11 December 2019. The merger aimed at increasing the efficiency of the ESIF implementation under a new management structure, contributing to better management of the research and innovation axes which were lagging behind, and thus ensuring thematic concentration requirements and support to research, innovation and technological development in line with Commission priorities. It also serves as valuable step towards a more streamlined overall post-2020 ESIF architecture in Slovakia.
Cohesion Fund (CF):,00 €
Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 3.742.798.445,00 €
Thematic priorities
View the dataFinancial information
Total OP budget: 7.840.632.511,00 €
Total EU contribution: 6.009.937.611,00 €
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