Programme description
Main objectives
The Programme aims to boost economic development and create job opportunities in the islands of the North Aegean. It contributes to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, also in line with the smart specialisation strategy. It should create jobs and help SMEs to become more competitive and outward looking. EU funding will also contribute to addressing the pressing need for complying with the EU requirements in the field of the environment, and to increase energy efficiency.
Funding priorities
The OP support will substantially contribute to promoting following key EU and national development priorities:
- "Halting the decline in productive/entrepreneurial activity, reinforcement of the attractiveness, competitiveness and export-orientation of the islands, in particular of the SMEs and increase of regional added value, with innovation as a spearhead" (ERDF – 13.2% of the EU allocation): increasing enterprises' participation in research, innovation and ICT, promotion of new innovative enterprises and increasing clusters among SMEs and promoting the use of ICT by citizens and businesses.
- "Development, exploitation and increase of human resources' participation in the labour market, active inclusion and social integration of vulnerable groups" (ESF – 10.9% of the EU allocation): increase in competitiveness and employment and improvment in access to employment and social care services for vulnerable groups.
- "Infrastructures for supporting human resources" (ERDF – 12.3% of the EU allocation): improving the health and social care infrastructure, as well as the attractiveness of the infrastructures in educational sector.
- "Environmental protection and transition to an environmentally friendly economy, with sufficient resources for development, employment and climate change mitigation" (ERDF – 41.9% of the EU allocation): reducing the annual average energy consumption of public and private buildings, protecting against natural disasters, contributing to the integrated solid waste management and to waste water management in the sensible/tourist areas.
- "Completion of sustainable infrastructures necessary for growth and employment" (ERDF – 19.9% of the EU allocation): completing TEN-T and upgrading inter-regional connections among islands and with the mainland.
- "Technical Assistance" (ERDF – 1.6% and ESF 0.2 % of EU allocation respectively): provision of technical assistance.
Expected impacts
- Support of 35 new SMEs and cooperation of some 15 enterprises with research institutions
- Creation of 140 full time equivalent jobs
- Improved water supply to an additional 15,000 persons and waste water treatment to an additional 8,000 persons
- Additional waste recycling capacity of 5,000 tonnes per year
- Increasing the capacity of social care infrastructures to cover a target of 40 additional patients and benefiting from the expected additional 5,500 students in primary/secondary education and 500 students in higher education.
- Reduction by 9.5 million kw of the annual primary energy consumption of public buildings
- Improved energy consumption classification for 310 households
- Transport infrastructures serving additionally more than 570,000 passengers into and out of the region
Programme text
Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 182.606.461,00 €
European Social Fund (ESF): 32.866.559,00 €
Thematic priorities
View the dataFinancial information
Total OP budget: 269.341.277,00 €
Total EU contribution: 215.473.020,00 €
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