Vídeos mais recentes
Prémios REGIOSTARS 2018 - Votação do público: Museu Histórico da Vista Alegre
Culture, Regiostars
Vencedores dos Prémios Regiostars 2018 - Centro de Negócios e Serviços Partilhados
Research and innnovation, Regiostars
O investimento da UE nas regiões ultraperiféricas 2007-2013
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| fr
Outermost regions, Transport, Urban development, Education and training, Employment and social inclusion, Energy, Information society, Research and innnovation
Vencedores dos PRÉMIOS REGIOSTARS 2016 - Centro Bio
Research and innnovation, Rural development, Environment, Regiostars
Regiostars 2015 - Eurocity of Chaves-Verin
| es
Employment and social inclusion, Environment, Regiostars, Cooperation between regions and countries, Education and training, Urban development, Health, Information society, Transport
A política de Coesão da União Europeia: investir nas suas Regiões e Cidades
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Transport, Business support, Education and training, Employment and social inclusion, Environment, Rural development, Structural Funds management and Governance, Information society, Research and innnovation