Materiale video
Cele mai recente materiale video
Politica de coeziune a Uniunii Europene: investiții în regiunile și orașele dumneavoastră
| cs
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| el
| en
| es
| et
| fi
| fr
| hr
| hu
| it
| lt
| lv
| mt
| nl
| pl
| pt
| sk
| sl
| sv
Transport, Business support, Education and training, Employment and social inclusion, Environment, Rural development, Structural Funds management and Governance, Information society, Research and innnovation
ROMA : Ioan Lakatos (poveste)
| en
| fr
Employment and social inclusion, Cooperation between regions and countries
Cooperarea transnaţională: Integrarea romilor pe piaţa forţei de muncă
| en
| fr
| hu
Cooperation between regions and countries, Employment and social inclusion
Strategia UE pentru regiunea Dunării: podul Calafat-Vidin
| de
| en
| fr
Transport, Cooperation between regions and countries