European Commission
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E-library of public procurement good practices

What is the e-library?

This e-library is a collection of solutions and approaches for improving public procurement processes.

Who is it for?

The good practices in the e-library are primarily targeted at public procurement policy-makers and public officials involved in designing and implementing public procurement systems.

What is included?

The e-library contains descriptive information designed to inform a decision about adopting the good practice into your public procurement laws and systems, including:

  • A summary of the good practice;
  • Description of its impact on public procurement objectives;
  • Key success factors for good practice implementation;
  • Inputs needed for implementation;
  • Case studies.

To find out more about the structure and scope of the e-library please read here:


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One-stop-shop procurement portal
Targeted thematic guidance materials
Feedback channels for economic operators
Voluntary oversight of procurement procedures
Prior market consultations
Public contract registry
Make better use of framework agreements
Use of e-auction for small, standardised purchases
Transparency platforms
Stimulate innovation through procurement
Helpdesk for contracting authorities
Credentials for procurement professionals
Advisory unit of public procurement experts
Facilitate payments to economic operators
Develop procurement risk assessment tools
Detailed and up to date methodological manual
Specialised procurement trainings for judges
Streamline public procurement procedures
Separate technical and financial offers
Foster a community of practice
Regular update and analysis of case-law
Standardised tender documents
National database of public procurement audit errors and irregularities
Split responsibilities for preparation and awarding phases
Teach SMEs how to tender
Life-cycle costing tools
Publish Annual Procurement Plans
Library of strategic procurement criteria
Mediation between contracting authorities and economic operators
Interoperability between procurement systems and other government databases