Education and training
EU Cohesion Policy invests in people's skills and competences, which are crucial for ensuring the long-term competitiveness of Europe. It is also key for promoting social cohesion – helping all citizens to benefit from the more and better jobs on offer.
Education and training is one of the eleven priorities for Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020 ("thematic objective 10").
The European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) support activities which help to:
- modernise education and training systems, including investments in educational infrastructure
- reduce early school leaving
- promote better access to good quality education for all, from the primary to the tertiary level
- enhance access to lifelong learning
- strengthen vocational education and training systems
These measures are meant to upskill the workforce across Europe and build better links between educational systems and the labor market, in order to ensure that skills match companies' needs, today and in the future.
- Directorate General for Education and Culture: 'Education' Page
- European Social Fund (Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion): Education and Training
- Thematic guidance notes on the European Structural and Investment Funds investments for: