This site has been archived on 09/02/2010
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"Working together to strengthen research in Europe"
Speech at the European Research Area conference, Brussels

23 October 2009

"Coming together, keeping together, working together for a low carbon future"
Speech at the SET Plan Conference in Stockholm

21 October 2009

"Innovation: Building a Successful Future for Europe"
Speech at the launch of BusinessEurope paper - European Research Policy and Programmes and their Relevance to Innovation, Brussels

12 October 2009

"European Research Council: The Future Starts Today"
Speech at the ERC inaugural event, Brussels

24 September 2009

"Science for Africa: Not a luxury, a solution!"
Speech at the Information Day "Africa Call 2010", Brussels

18 September 2009

"Africa Call Announcement - A New Future for African Research"
Speech at the Africa Call Announcement – African Unions Headquarters, Addis Ababa

9 September 2009

"African Union Women Scientist Regional Awards"
Speech at the Prize giving Ceremony – African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa

9 September 2009

The significance of the knowledge triangle for the future of Europe
Speech at the conference "the Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe" (organised by the Swedish Presidency), Gothenburg

1 September 2009

"Keeping us on the path to a green and sustainable recovery"
Opening speech at the Public-Private Partnership Info Day, Brussels

13 July 2009

"New Worlds - New Solutions"
Speech at the Swedish EU Presidency Conference "New Worlds - New Solutions
Research and development as a basis for Developing Europe in a Global Context", Lund, Sweden

07 July 2009

Last update: 14.01.2010