REPowerEU chapters in the RRPs

In response to the hardships and global energy market disruptions caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Commission put forward a REPowerEU Plan. Launched in May 2022, REPowerEU is helping the EU save energy, produce clean energy, and diversify its energy supplies. The RRF is at the heart of the REPowerEU Plan and its funding.

EU countries have included REPowerEU chapters in their recovery and resilience plans (RRPs) with reforms and investments addressing six objectives defined in the REPowerEU Regulation. At the same time, the REPowerEU chapters also contribute to the climate objectives of the RRF.

For more information, see the “About REPowerEU” section and the REPowerEU factsheet.

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Climate tracking: Breakdown of expenditure in the REPowerEU chapters towards climate objectives per policy area

Each REPowerEU chapter has to separately dedicate at least 37% of the chapter’s total estimated costs to climate objectives. To this end, the REPowerEU chapters had to specify and justify to what extent each measure contributes fully (100%), partly (40%) or has no impact (0%) on climate objectives, using Annex VI of the RRF Regulation. Combining the coefficients with the cost estimates of each REPowerEU measure allows assessing to what degree the chapter contributes to climate objectives and whether it meets the 37% target. Click here for more information on the methodology for climate tracking under the Facility..

Each REPowerEU chapter should amount to at least 37% of climate expenditure in line with the climate tracking methodology set out in the RRF Regulation.

Climate targets of the REPowerEU chapters

The REPowerEU chapters had to specify and justify to what extent each measure contributes fully (100%), partly (40%) or has no impact (0%) on the climate objectives. The contributions to climate objectives have been calculated using Annex VI of the RRF Regulation. Combining the coefficients with the cost estimates of each measure allows calculating to what degree the plans contribute to the climate target. This chart shows the share of climate expenditure out of the total expenditure of the REPowerEU chapter per country.

Each measure in the REPowerEU chapters contributes to one of the six REPowerEU objectives established by the REPowerEU Regulation.

RRF REPowerEU objectives: Breakdown of expenditure supporting the six REPowerEU objectives

This chart shows a breakdown of the estimated contribution to the six REPowerEU objectives. The percentage relates to the overall share of measures in the REPowerEU chapter tagged under each of the RRF REPowerEU objectives.

Countries have to include in their REPowerEU chapters measures with a cross-border or multi-country dimension or effect for an amount representing at least 30% of their REPowerEU chapter.

Cross-border targets of the REPowerEU chapters

The REPowerEU chapters had to explain how the measures included therein have a cross-border or multi-country dimension or effect and indicate whether the cost estimates of such measures represent at least 30% of the REPowerEU chapter. The chart shows the share of funding of the REPowerEU chapters dedicated to measures with a cross-border or multi-country dimension or effect. Click here for more information on the methodology to calculate the cross-border target.

Reduction of Union imports of fossil fuels and diversification of energy supplies

Measures in the REPowerEU chapters of the recovery and resilience plans contribute to the reduction of imports of Russian fossil fuels to the EU, support the diversification of energy supplies, and accelerate the transition to clean energy.

Beyond the measurable contribution of REPowerEU chapters to these objectives, the Commission identified four indicators showing the general progress towards more independent, diversified and greener energy supplies in the EU.

The following indicators are not exclusive to the contribution of the REPowerEU chapters and reflect also other EU and national actions contributing to progress in these areas, as well as other factors which have an impact on the imports of fossil fuels and diversification of energy supplies.

Diversify energy supplies - EU dependency on Russian gas imports

This graph shows the share of EU gas imports (pipeline + LNG) from Russia. It is calculated as the share of gas imports, covering both pipeline and LNG, from Russia to the EU compared to total EU gas imports from third countries.
Data source: European Commission (based on data from ENTSO-G Transparency Platform and LSEG)

Diversify energy supplies - Market concentration of gas exporters to the EU (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI))

This graph shows a Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of concentration of EU gas imports (pipeline + LNG) from third countries. The larger the number, the higher is the concentration of imports.
Data source: European Commission (based on data from ENTSO-G Transparency Platform and LSEG)

Produce clean energy - Growth of renewable energy capacity

This graph shows the annual growth of renewable energy capacity (solar, wind, and other types) across the EU. Data source: International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Save energy - Reduction of natural gas demand

This graph shows the accumulated reduction of natural gas demand across the EU. Data source: DG ENER calculations based on Eurostat

Milestones and targets in the REPowerEU chapters
Milestones and targets per type of measure

This graph displays the overall number of milestones and targets, divided between reforms and investments.

Milestones and targets fulfilment status

This graph displays the share of fulfilled milestones and targets. A milestone or target is fulfilled once a Member State has provided the evidence to the Commission that it has completed the milestone or target and the Commission has assessed it positively in an implementing decision.

Common indicators

The Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2106 setting out the common indicators of the RRF entered into force on 2 December 2021. Member States first reported on the common indicators in February 2022.

The following indicators are relevant for the RRF REPowerEU objectives:

Thematic analyses

A number of thematic analyses shine a light on policy areas relevant for REPowerEU such as “Energy efficiency in buildings” and “Clean Power”.

About REPowerEU