Assessing the contribution of RDPs to a competitive and viable agricultural sector

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The Good Practice Workshop organised by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development, ‘Assessing the contribution of RDPs to a competitive and viable agricultural sector’, took place on 9-10 December 2020 Online.


The Good Practice Workshop had the overall objective to reflect on experiences in relation to assessing the contributions of RDPs to a competitive and viable agricultural sector with the specific objectives of:

  • Exchanging practices on the methods and challenges for assessing competitiveness along the food supply chain, taking into account all available evidence.
  • Discussing specific issues identified that may affect the evaluation of competitiveness along the food supply chain in the ex post and beyond and identifying potential approaches/solutions to them.
  • Identifying needs for further support for Managing Authorities and evaluators in relation to the above issues for preparing the ex post evaluations and building knowledge for future CAP evaluations.

Background documents:


Summary Report!