The Good Practice Workshop organised by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development, ‘Assessment of resource efficiency and climate’, took place on 28-29 September 2020 Online.
The Good Practice Workshop (GPW) 14 had the overall objective to reflect on experiences in relation to the assessment of resource efficiency and climate, with a view to preparing for the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020 and helping to identify lessons for the related future CAP indicators. The specific objectives were:
- Exchange practices on how to assess resource efficiency and climate, notably energy efficiency, the supply and use of renewable energy sources and GHG and ammonia emissions.
- Resolve specific issues identified for the evaluation of resource efficiency and climate, in relation to the calculation of the complementary result indicators.
- Identify needs for further support for Managing Authorities and evaluators in relation to the above issues for preparing the ex post evaluations and building knowledge for the calculation of related future CAP indicators. in
Background documents:
- CRI14: Increase in efficiency of energy use in agriculture and food processing in RDP supported projects - (SE) (Eric Markus, Analyst, Swedish Board of Agriculture (Managing Authority))
- CRI 15: Renewable energy production - Overview of Estonia - (EE) (Mati Mõtte, Rural Economy Research and Analysis Institute of Economics and Social Sciences)
- Calculating CRI 19: Reduced ammonia emissions - Experience from Flanders, Belgium - (BE) (Maarten De Cock, Flemish Managing Authority)
- Calculating CRIs 18 & 19 in Austria: Reduced emissions of methane and nitrous dioxide & reduced ammonia emissions - (AT) (Georg Dersch, AGES and Michael Anderl, Umweltbundesamt)
- Calculating CRI 18 in Slovakia: Reduced emissions of nitrous oxide - (SK) (Marek Pihulič and Matej Smieško, Evaluators)
- The effects of agricultural practices on the environment: Methodology used for synthesis studies (systematic review and meta-analysis) - (EU) (Marta Pérez-Soba, Andrea Schievano, Jean-Michel Terres and David Makowski, JRC and INRAE)
Read the Summary Report!