Data management for the assessment of RDP effects

The Good Practice Workshop organised by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development, ‘Data management for the assessment of RDP effects’, took place on 13-14 May, 2020 Online.

Thematic Focus

The overall objective of this Online Good Practice Workshop was to reflect on the 2019 experiences in relation to data management with a view towards preparing for the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020 and identify necessary lessons relevant for future monitoring and evaluation. The specific objectives were:

  • Exchange practices on how to identify and meet data needs in relation to evaluation and how to better use existing data (IACS, LPIS, FADN, FSS, etc.).
  • Resolve specific data-related issues (double-counting, quality assurance, capturing of secondary and LEADER contributions).
  • Identify needs for further support for Managing Authorities and evaluators in relation to data management and quality for preparing the ex post evaluations and future monitoring and evaluation activities.

Background documents:
