The Good Practice Workshop co-organised by The Evaluation Helpdesk, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), “Preparing the assessment of High Nature Value Farming in Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020” June 7-8, 2016 Bonn, Germany.
Thematic Focus
The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for the discussion and exchange of useful practices in identifying and monitoring the extent and quality of HNV farmland. This includes
- Stocktaking of the methodologies used by Member States to identify HNV farming (extent and condition).
- Exploring the systems in place for monitoring HNV farming in the Member States: What systems are in place? How often is the monitoring done? What kind of data is used?
- Identifying advanced methods to assess HNV farming. What criteria indicate an advanced method? What needs to be in place to apply advanced methods for the assessment of HNV farming consistently?
Background documents:
- Objectives, agenda and introduction to the Evaluation Helpdesk team and governance structure - (Hannes Wimmer, Team Leader of the Evaluation Helpdesk)
- HNV farming indicator in RDPs 2014-2020: Expectations and use - (Caroline Raes, DG AGRI Unit E.4)
- Identification, monitoring, and assessment of HNV farming – Current approaches in EU Member States - (Gerald Schwarz, Evaluation Helpdesk Core Team Member)
- Mapping HNV Farmland in Germany 2009 to 2015 - (DE) (Armin Benzler, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)
- Defining High Nature Value farming areas in Estonia - (EE) (Tambert Kikas, Agricultural Research Centre )
- Approach to implementing the HNV indicator in Navarra (Northern Spain) – (ES) (Uxue Iragui, GANASA)
- High Nature Value (HNV) in Denmark: Targeting biodiversity – (DK) (Martin Brink, Danish AgriFish Agency and Jesper Bladt, Aarhus University)
- Assessing HNV farms from FADN. Linkages between HNV level of farming intensity and farm support – (IT) (Andrea Povellato, CREA)
- HNV farming in Italy – Context indicator CI37: Land cover approach – (IT) (Antonella Trisorio, CREA)
Read the Summary Report!
Further Reading:
- Oppermann, R., Beaufoy, G., Jones, G. (Eds). 2012. High Nature Value Farming in Europe. 35 European countries – experiences and perspectives. Verlag Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher, Germany.
- Brunbjerg, A.K., Bladt, J., Brink, M., Fredshavn, J., Mikkelsen, P., Moeslund, J., Nygaard, B., Skov, F., Ejrnæs, R. 2015. Development and implementation of a high nature value (HNV) farming indicator for Denmark. Ecological Indicators, 61, 274-281.