A central activity of the Evaluation Helpdesk is to collect good practices linked to rural development policy evaluation on the basis of expert knowledge, evaluation reports and other information sources. The good practices collected cover both evaluation processes and methodologies related, for example, to the EU2020 and RDP objectives, the priorities and focus areas, the cross-cutting policy objectives, Leader, the National Rural Networks, and linkages with pillar I of the CAP.
One of the methods for the Evaluation Helpdesk to collect and disseminate evaluation-related good practices is through organising and facilitating Good Practice Workshops on issues of interest to evaluation stakeholders. Good Practice Workshops are meetings open to evaluation stakeholders, to exchange experiences on a specified topic, to provide a forum for discussion of good practices, lessons learned, and to identify and assess approaches to improve evaluation practice.
Find more information including, agendas, presentations, and working documents on the most recent Good Practice Workshops in this section.