The Finnish Rural Network's main role is to connect people and their ideas, while increasing the quality of implementation and regional visibility of the Rural Development Programme.
NSU operation
The Finnish National Rural Network set the following five objectives in line with the mandatory objectives specified in the Regulation:
Stakeholder participation in rural development increases
The quality of the Rural Development Programme implementation, and their regional visibility in particular, are improved
Information on rural development opportunities to potential beneficiaries is provided
Information on programme implementation and results is exchanged among the actors and conveyed to the public
More innovations in rural livelihoods, agriculture, food production, forestry and rural services, and regeneration of livelihoods are generated
Who can join the network?
NRN is open to everybody who is somehow involved in rural development; there is no membership process.
How to get involved?
Members can apply for funding for organising events by providing us a detailed plan. Funding is not directly provided to them, but costs up to 1500 or 3000 euros (1 or 2 day event) are covered for those events that qualify.
The NSU and the Managing Authority
The NSU is established within the Paying Agency and it coordinates network activities.
The Managing Authority is responsible for nominating the Steering Group and coordinating communication work.
The NSU and the Monitoring Committee
The Monitoring Committee (MC) approves the use of Technical Assistance funds.
The MC meetings always include an agenda item for following up the actions carried out by the network (it is one of the responsibilities of the Steering Group).
Regional representation of the NSU
The national NSU works with 15 regions: each of them can plan and operate according to their regional development strategies.
The Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) are responsible for the regional implementation and development tasks of the central government.
Finland has a total of 15 ELY Centres, which are tasked with promoting regional competitiveness, well-being and sustainable development and curbing climate change.
ELYs come under the administrative branch of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. ELY Centres also deal with tasks coming under other administrative branches/ministries, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The national NSU also works in close cooperation with the ELY Centres. The local ELY centres operate as local antennas of the NSU in every region, mostly working on communication issues.
Steering Group
The Steering Group is nominated by the Managing Authority (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) and consists of 12 member organisations of the network.
It has around 4 meetings a year. Its role is to accept the Network´s action plan and follow the reporting.
2-4 thematic sub-groups are nominated by the Steering Group. Sub-group members (and other network members) are actively involved in the planning and implementing of the actions of the groups.
Each sub-group has some 8 to 10 members. The chairman of the sub-group is also a member of the steering group.
Sub-groups have a working period of 2 years. They meet about 4-6 times during this period (in addition to specific meetings related to some activities they organise, such as seminars and workshops).
Budget (€)
Total NRN public funds:
10 000 000
Out of which national co-financing:
5 800 000
Out of which EAFRD:
4 200 000