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The evaluation study VII - "Environmental and climate measures in the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020" highlighted the results and effectiveness of programme interventions, from the perspective of objectives aimed at conserving biodiversity, water and soil quality management, mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change, as well as the need for sustainable development. The contribution of the RDP was examined, through the analysis of environmental and climate measures: M10 - Agri-environment and climate, M11 - Organic agriculture , M13 - Payments for areas facing natural or other specific constraints, M15 - Forestry services, climate services and forest conservation, M15.1 - Payments for forestry commitments; M8 - Investments in the development of forested areas and in improving the viability of forests, M8.1 - Afforestation and creation of forested areas. General recommendations are also presented to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the RDP, both for the end of the 2014-2020 programming period and for the future programming period.

This Thematic Evaluation report has as its key focus the evaluation of Measure 6.1 (Young Farmers) and in doing so, also on Focus Area (FA) 2B of the Rural Development Programme (RDP)for Malta. The focus area is concerned with facilitating the entry of adequately skilled farmers into the agricultural sector and, in particular, generational renewal. Given that this FA is chiefly addressed by Measure 6.1 of the RDP1, the Thematic Evaluation exercise carried out in this report aims to assess the progress and effectiveness of this measure registered to date and also the focus area.

This Evaluation examined evidence regarding the Burren Programme’s environmental, economic, and social effects, including a literature review; a survey of its participants carried out in 2020; and a series of interviews with targeted stakeholders. Once identified, effects were classified according to the ‘capitals’ they impact upon; or the range of tangible and intangible assets from which farmers and society obtain value. These are natural, manufactured, human, intellectual, social and financial capital.

The study provides an overview of the current economic situation, sustainability, competition and export capacity of companies engaged in the processing and marketing of agricultural products, as well as future plans and necessary investments.

This report summarises the main outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘How to assess AKIS based on lessons learned from 2014-2022’, which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP. 

Both for ex post evaluation of AKIS in the 2014-2022 period and the CAP 2023-2027 evaluations the objectives of this Good Practice Workshop were threefold: To draw lessons from existing AKIS evaluations at EU and Member State level. The workshop shared lessons from these evaluations and highlighted past experiences in terms of scope, methods and results that can be relevant for the future; To draw lessons from AKIS evaluations from outside the EU. The workshop explored lessons relevant for the evaluation of AKIS from assessing agricultural innovation systems by international organisations like the World Bank, FAO and OECD; Bridging the gap between current state of play and future needs on evaluating AKIS. The workshop aimed to identify Managing Authorities and evaluators’ needs in relation to methods and data collection approaches for evaluating AKIS in the future and building knowledge to overcome challenges in evaluating AKIS (innovation, knowledge transfer, advisory services, cooperation as well as the organisational set-up of AKIS).

This document provides an example of using local level database for socio-economic indicators and a proposal for a composite indicator for local development of the Horizon 2020 project ‘IMAJINE: Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe’ in the evaluation of local development.

This document provides an example of using Earth Observation markers of the project ‘Sen4CAP - Sentinels for Common Agriculture Policy’ in the evaluation of soil erosion.

This document provides an example of how to use some of the sustainability indicators at the farm level of the Seventh Framework Programme project FLINT: Farm Level Indicators for New Topics in policy evaluation’ in the assessment of economic performance of farms.
