Twenty-five new maps on pollutants have recently been made available in the EMODnet Map Viewer.
The products are divided into 3 categories that provide information on the distribution of sampling stations and concentration levels in space and time in all European seas and beyond for the parameters prioritised in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
Dear EMODnet partners, colleagues and friends,
A very Happy New Year to you all! The EMODnet New Year’s letter is something of a tradition, written by the Head of the EMODnet Secretariat. In 2024, the baton passes to me, Kate Larkin, as I took on the role of Head of Secretariat in Spring 2023. On behalf of the EMOD-network I wish the previous Head, Jan-Bart Calewaert, well in his new activities in the global ocean data domain, whilst he remains a trusted advisor to EMODnet.
EMODnet Chemistry has recently created new maps on pollutants. The products are grouped into 4 map categories that provide information on the spatio-temporal distribution of measurements in all European seas and beyond for parameters prioritised in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
At the dawn of our 15th year in business, we would like to celebrate the best results of the past year with all of you, starting with the confirmation of the same Consortium at the helm of EMODnet Chemistry for the next two years. Thank you all for believing in us and let’s get to work!
The latest version of the maps visualising the spatial and temporal distribution of marine litter is available on the EMODnet map viewer. This version contains for the first time 16 maps for floating microlitter in all European sea basins and beyond. These data products are based on the latest data collections published in 2023, as described in a recent EMODnet webnews. Using animations, these products show the distribution of 1) net location and mesh size used, 2) microlitter density per net…
After 14 years of activity, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has confirmed the same partnership at the helm of EMODnet Chemistry for the next two years. The EMODnet Chemistry steering committee illustrated the way forward until 2 October 2025 to the project full group during the kick-off meeting on 28 November 2023.
On 27-30 November over 340 partners, associated partners, and stakeholders of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) gathered in Brussels for the third EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree. The week kicked off with a Partner Jamboree with the >120 partners exchanging on their latest service developments and joint activities. The Open Conference was a public event, moderated by Karen Coleman.
On 29th November, the two EC marine data services EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service launch a joint statement on the EU in situ marine data landscape. The statement explains the complementarity between the two EU marine knowledge assets, and explains how the services work together, following a high-level agreement between DG DEFIS and DG MARE and the signature of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2016.
EMODnet showcased its European marine data services and best practices at the recent Ocean Best Practice Systems (OBPS) VII workshop that took place online between 5-19th October 2023. EMODnet showcased its contributions to the marine data and ocean knowledge ecosystem in several sessions and across multiple workshops, including a joint EMODnet Secretariat - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) presentation on the use of ERDAAP, where EMODnet’s Conor Delaney presented…
EMODnet Chemistry, as partner of the EUROqCHARM project, brought its experience as a marine litter data manager and data access infrastructure to the final conference of EUROqCHARM, held in Brussels on 11-12 October this year. Launched in November 2020, the project is a Coordination and Support Action funded by EU Horizon 2020, the EU's 2014-2020 programme for research and innovation.