The AOMI website is a database of monitoring and observation data on marine microplastics provided by research institutes and governments worldwide. During the event, the EMODnet data management workflow was explained with a focus on formats and quality procedures. Perspectives and challenges at European and global level were also highlighted.
During the international workshop ‘AOMI Database: Enhancing Ocean Microplastics Monitoring’, the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), which maintains and develops the EMODnet database for marine litter, presented the current state of the art and challenges in the management of marine litter data as part of the project.
The workshop took place online and was organised by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) to show the Atlas of Ocean Microplastics (AOMI). In particular, some specific features and data submission processes were introduced. The AOMI website, launched in May this year, is a database of monitoring and observation data on microplastics in the oceans provided by researchers, research institutes and governments from around the world. Based on the data, this database provides 2D maps of survey points (or locations) and particle density distribution around the globe. The AOMI contains data on field surveys, i.e. data on the methods and conditions used to sample microplastics from the ocean surface, as well as data on laboratory analyses and results, e.g. the use of biological digestion and chemical treatment, methods for counting and measuring particle size, and techniques for identifying microplastics.
Ayako Inoue from MOEJ thanked Matteo Vinci of the OGS for his detailed presentation on EMODnet Chemistry marine litter data management. He stated that the workshop will hopefully facilitate further collaboration between EMODnet Chemistry and AOMI. The importance of this dialogue was reiterated by the MOEJ.
Since 2017, EMODnet Chemistry has been developing and managing the first pan-European Marine Litter Database (MLDB) on the advice of the MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter and in close cooperation with the relevant stakeholders in the EU. EMODnet Chemistry provides access to macro-litter data from beaches and the seafloor as well as micro-litter data from the sea surface and sediment from a variety of data sources. The partnership is increasingly involved in the management of other types of marine litter prioritised in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Find out more about access to marine litter data and visualisation services on the EMODnet portal.
“I am delighted that the MOEJ has invited me to present EMODnet Chemistry at this interesting workshop. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and joint efforts on global marine litter monitoring.” Matteo Vinci, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
The workshop was also an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of monitoring ocean surface plastics and to discuss the current situation. Finally, related initiatives such as UNEP's Global Partnership against Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML) were introduced and their current activities and tools explained.
“EMODnet’s work on litter, although focusing on European Union data sources, is very relevant and important to the international discussions and in direct support of the implementation of international agreements. These contributions will continue and will hopefully be expanded in the future years, increase the global marine knowledge base.” Zoi Konstantinou, DG MARE