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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Project Partners List

Name Acronym Portal Country EDMO
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea Ifremer Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Physics, Data Ingestion FRANCE [EDMO record]
Flanders Marine Institute VLIZ Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion, Seabed Habitats BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Institute of Oceanology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences IO BAS Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Data Ingestion BULGARIA [EDMO record]
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NIOZ Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Marine Information Service MARIS Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Spanish Institute of Oceanography IEO-CSIC Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion SPAIN [EDMO record]
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics OGS Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion ITALY [EDMO record]
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research HCMR Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion GREECE [EDMO record]
Deltares Deltares Bathymetry, Biology, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
National Oceanography Centre - British Oceanographic Data Centre NOC-BODC Bathymetry, Chemistry, Physics, Data Ingestion UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency BSH Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping, Chemistry GERMANY [EDMO record]
Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works; Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services; Coastal Division Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Ireland GSI Bathymetry, Geology, Coastal Mapping IRELAND [EDMO record]
Hydrographic Institute of the Navy IHM Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Portuguese Hydrographic Institute IH Bathymetry, Chemistry, Coastal Mapping, Data Ingestion PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Institute of Marine Sciences ISMAR Bathymetry ITALY [EDMO record]
Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere IPMA Bathymetry, Geology, Biology PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate Bathymetry, Geology FAROE ISLANDS [EDMO record]
National Oceanography Centre NOC Bathymetry UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Norwegian Hydrographic Service Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping NORWAY [EDMO record]
OceanWise Bathymetry UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Royal Netherlands Navy, Hydrographic Service Bathymetry NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
GRID Arendal GRID Bathymetry NORWAY [EDMO record]
AZTI Tecnalia AZTI Bathymetry, Human Activities SPAIN [EDMO record]
Spanish Secretary-General for Fisheries Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Marine Technology Unit CSIC-UTM Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Task Group for the Extension of the Continental Shelf EMEPC Bathymetry PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate NPD Bathymetry NORWAY [EDMO record]
National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" NIMRD Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research IOLR Bathymetry, Chemistry, Data Ingestion ISRAEL [EDMO record]
Spanish Geological Survey IGME Bathymetry, Geology SPAIN [EDMO record]
National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology GeoEcoMar Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Coastal Mapping ROMANIA [EDMO record]
British Geological Survey BGS Bathymetry, Geology, Data Ingestion UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst RWS Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
National Laboratory of Energy and Geology LNEG Bathymetry PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
SC Marine Research SRL MR Bathymetry ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission BSHC Bathymetry MONACO [EDMO record]
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences MARUM Bathymetry GERMANY [EDMO record]
GGS Geo Consultancy GGSGC Bathymetry NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Danube Delta National Institute DDNI Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Geodetic Institute of Slovenia GIS Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping SLOVENIA [EDMO record]
Italian Hydrographic Institute IIM Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping ITALY [EDMO record]
Maritime Administration of Latvia MAL Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping LATVIA [EDMO record]
Sjöfartsverket – Swedish Maritime Administration SMA Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping SWEDEN [EDMO record]
Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine SHOM Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping, Data Ingestion FRANCE [EDMO record]
CNR, Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering (IGAG) CNR-IGAG Bathymetry ITALY [EDMO record]
National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Science CONISMA Bathymetry ITALY [EDMO record]
Coronis Computing SL Coronis Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Croatian Hydrographic Institute HHI Bathymetry CROATIA [EDMO record]
CSIC-ICM/ Institute of Marine Sciences CSIC-ICM Bathymetry, Data Ingestion SPAIN [EDMO record]
Danish Geodata Agency - Danish Hydrographic Office GST Bathymetry DENMARK [EDMO record]
EOMAP GmbH & Co KG EOMAP Bathymetry GERMANY [EDMO record]
Marine Geology and Seafloor Surveying group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta Bathymetry MALTA [EDMO record]
Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences IGV Bathymetry SWEDEN [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Israel GSI Bathymetry ISRAEL [EDMO record]