Joint work with the OECD on social economy and social entrepreneurship
The joint work with the OECD has led to a series of publications: policy briefs, a compendium of good practices and in-depth country reviews, with policy pointers for those engaged in improving their national policy environments:
- Policy brief on supporting persons with disabilities in entrepreneurship
- Policy brief on improving the effectiveness of inclusive and social entrepreneurship training schemes
- Policy brief on access to finance for inclusive and social entrepreneurship
- Policy brief on making the most of the Social Economy's contribution to the Circular Economy
- Policy brief on Social Entrepreneurship
- Policy brief on Social Impact Measurement
- Policy brief on Scaling the Impact of Social Enterprises
- Compendium of good practices
- Country review: Brandenburg, Germany
- Country review: Estonia
- Country review: Netherlands
- Country review: Lithuania
- Country review: Slovenia
- Policy paper: Regional Strategies for the Social Economy
Mapping study on social enterprise eco-systems in the EU
The characteristics of social enterprises differ a lot from country to country concerning their number, size, legal forms and fields of activities. To create a clearer picture, the Commission has carried out a series of studies, mapping the reality of social enterprises in 35 European countries using a common definition and approach.
The separate country reports provide key data on social enterprises and their eco-systems, including factors constraining their development in all EU countries, as well as in Albania, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.
The EU level synthesis report collates and interprets the key findings from the separate country reports and draws a European picture of social enterprises and the environments in which they operate, the “ecosystems”. The report brings together a comprehensive picture of different country traditions, salient trends and key challenges across Europe.
- European level synthesis report: Social Enterprises and their Ecosystems in Europe (in English). A non-official translation in Spanish is available as well.
- Executive summary in English, French, and German
- Country reports
- Some country reports are being informally translated by stakeholders in the national languages. The reports translated so far are: HU country report in Hungarian.
Study on the impact of the Social Business Initiative
The study on the impact of the European Commission’s Social Business Initiative (SBI) and its follow-up actions analyses the impact of the SBI on the development of social enterprises/social economy and their operating environments at national and EU levels. In addition to analysing the impact of the previous initiatives, the study also includes an analysis of current needs and concludes with options for future policy initiatives.