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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

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Austria | Belgium

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    FEAD country fiche - Austria (2018 version available)


    Austria provides basic material assistance through its operational programme. The FEAD operational programme in Austria aims to support children in low-income and disadvantaged households.

    In Austria children and young people are more likely than other groups to be affected by poverty, with more than 10% of those aged below 18 affected by material deprivation.

    The operational programme supports children directly, particularly with assistance for education. It provides children in low-income and low-asset households with back-to-school packs to reduce the financial burden that comes with the start of a new school year. The back-to-school packs, which include different options based on the children’s age and school year, also aim to boost children’s motivation at school and to put a stop to stigmatisation.

    Managing Authority

    Federal Ministry of Labour Social Affairs and Consumer Protection - BMASK – Section V Stubenring 1 A-1010 Wien
    Tel: +43 (1) 711 00-6122

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Belgium (2018 version available)


    The FEAD operational programme in Belgium aims to provide food assistance to people in need, as well as material assistance specifically to children. It is hoped this will contribute to the EU2020 objective of reducing the number of people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

    In 2018, 16,4% of the Belgian population was considered at risk of poverty, with 5.4% unable to afford a meal with meat, poultry or fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day.

    The operational programme in Belgium helps to combat poverty by providing food to public social welfare centres and other registered partner organisations. The food is distributed for free to the people living under the poverty threshold (including migrants and refugees). The Managing Authority pays particular attention to the nutritional quality of the products distributed, as well as to their suitability for consumption.

    Managing Authority

    PPS Social Integration, anti-Poverty, Social Economy and Federal City Policies
    Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 boîte 165 1000 Brussels
    Tel: +32 2 508 8586

Bulgaria | Croatia

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Bulgaria (2018 version available)


    The FEAD operational programme in Bulgaria offers food assistance for those living in poverty, particularly children, older people and the unemployed.

    In 2014, the at-risk-of-poverty rate in Bulgaria was 40.1%, and 33.1% of the Bulgarian population were unable to afford a meal with meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day.

    The operational programme in Bulgaria finances the distribution of individual food packages, which are provided to people subject to the operational programme’s criteria. Selection is defined by national legislation and based on the same criteria used to assess social assistance. Soup kitchens provide warm meals and a year-round service for the target group.

    Managing Authority

    Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
    Social Assistance Agency
    "Triaditsa" 2
    Sofia 1051
    Tel: +359 2 935 05 18

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Croatia (2018 version available)


    Croatia provides both food and basic material assistance through its operational programme. The FEAD in Croatia aims to support disadvantaged households and homeless people. It complements existing national programmes, enabling a wider number of people to receive assistance.

    Food deprivation has been identified as one of the largest issues in Croatia. In 2012, 16.2% of the population could not afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day.  Additionally, the material deprivation rate for the same year amounted to 35.3%.

    The operational programme works with partner organisations to purchase, store and distribute food either as meals or food packages. Selected partner organisations are responsible for purchasing material assistance and support children directly by distributing school materials and other basic necessities.

    Managing Authority

    Ministry of Labour and the Pension System
    Directorate for management of EU operational programs
    Koranska 2
    10 000 Zagreb
    Tel. +385 1 647 2047

Cyprus | Czech Republic

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Cyprus (2018 version available)


    The strategic objective of this Operational Programme is twofold. On the one hand, it contributes to the EU 2020 target to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion across Europe by 20 million by 2020 through reducing material deprivation of people in need. On the other hand, it helps tackle the problem of unemployment by combating early school leaving and supporting people with low or no qualifications to attend school.

    Since 2014, two actions are being supported through the Operational Programme of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived: the ‘Baby Pack’ and the ‘School Breakfast’.

    Since 2015, the Guaranteed Minimum Income Scheme (GMI) has been put in place and has been fully operational in order to create a single registry of people and households who live close to or under the poverty threshold. The ‘Baby Pack’ has taken advantage of this registry and now supports deprived households with newly born babies to meet their basic needs.

    Since 2016, it was identified that private donations to the Ministry of Education and Culture for the provision of free meals to students had been significantly reduced. FEAD and its ‘School Breakfast’ came to complement these reductions and is now providing breakfast for free to deprived students from all levels of public education.

    Managing Authority

    Directorate-General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development
    29, Vyronos Avenue, 1409 Nicosia, Cyprus
    Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, European Social Fund Unit
    9 Klementos Str, 7th Floor, 1494 Nicosia, Cyprus
    Tel: +357 22 60 29 00

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Czech Republic (2018 version available)


    The Czech Republic supports deprived families with children, and those who are homeless, by providing food and basic material assistance through its FEAD operational programme.

    Statistical data from 2013 suggests that 14.6% of the population were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Homelessness is the most serious form of social exclusion; recent estimates suggest there are approximately 30,000 homeless people living in the Czech Republic.

    The operational programme supports households at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Food deprivation operations are nationwide and provide food to the most deprived persons. Since 2015, FEAD food distribution has provided lunches for school children at risk of poverty. In addition, material goods such as clothing, school supplies and toiletries are provided to families with children in serious social need.

    Managing Authority

    Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - MPSV
    Na Poříčním právu 1/376
    128 01 Praha 2
    Tel: +420 221 921 111

Denmark | Estonia

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Denmark (2018 version available)

    Denmark provides social inclusion assistance through its operational programme. The FEAD is used to tackle poverty and homelessness and aims to strengthen social inclusion among the most socially vulnerable people, including those who are currently homeless and have social and health problems.
    Homelessness in Denmark is largely concentrated among vulnerable groups. Research suggests the homeless population of Denmark is largely categorised by having additional serious social problems. In 2013, 65% of those who were homeless were addicted to drugs, alcohol or medicines, 31% had both psychiatric challenges and a substance abuse and 27% had at least one physical disease. 
    The operational programme in Denmark works to support new activities that complement the services already available for the target group. It aims to encourage more homeless people to use these existing social services, in order to make lasting improvements to their circumstances.

    Managing Authority

    National Social Board / Socialstyrelsen
    Office for Funds Administration / Pulje-kontoret
    Edisonsvej 15000 Odense C
    Tel: +45 72423700

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Estonia (2018 version available)


    The FEAD operational programme in Estonia aims to support the most deprived people by providing food assistance.
    In 2018, food costs in Estonia had risen since the previous year. The at-risk of poverty rate had also risen, to 21.9% in 2018 (survey year) compared to 21% in 2017. Families in which no-one works, or where the work intensity is very low, are the most exposed to poverty.
    The operational programme combats food poverty by distributing food packages to disadvantaged people, who are identified according to the criteria set by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The food is purchased and distributed at least twice a year.

    Managing Authority

    State Shared Service Centre
    Lõkke 4
    10122 Tallinn
    Tel: +372 663 8200

    Related news

Finland | France

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Finland (2018 version available)

    In Finland the operational programme focuses exclusively on combating food poverty. The FEAD works to distribute food aid to the most deprived people throughout Finland.
    Statistics from Eurostat show that 904,000 people in Finland were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2015. Deprivation has become more widespread; a national food aid study found that an estimated 20,000-25,000 people rely on food banks weekly.
    The operational programme supports the most deprived by distributing food to those who have fallen through the public sector safety nets and have to rely on aid. The operational programme distributes food aid through volunteers from partner organisations.

    Managing Authority
    Finnish Food Authority
    P.O Box 405
    60101 Seinäjoki, Finland
    Tel: +358 295 31 2362

  • Counry fiche

    FEAD country fiche - France (2018 version available)

    The FEAD operational programme in France aims to provide food assistance to people in need. The FEAD operational programme finances the purchase, storage and transportation of food aid which is then distributed to the most deprived people through partner organisations. It aims to contribute to the EU2020 objective of reducing the number of people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
    In 2011, 8.7 million people in France were living below the poverty threshold. Eurostat research in 2012 found that 8.2% of the French population were unable to finance a meal which included meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every two days.
    The operational programme distributes food for free to the most deprived (including migrants and refugees) in many forms; for example, in the streets, in buildings such as shelters or hostels, and at food distribution premises. The provision of food also offers an opportunity to establish support and initiate social integration, particularly for those living on the fringes of society.

    Managing Authority

    Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights
    Directorate General for Social Cohesion
    10-18 Place des Cinq Martyrs du Lycée Buffon
    75014 Paris
    Tel: +33 1 53 86 10 41

    Mail address is:
    14 Avenue Duquesne
    75350 Paris 07 SP

Germany | Greece

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Germany (2018 version available)

    In Germany the FEAD is used to enhance the social inclusion of the most deprived people. The FEAD’s intervention strategy aims to improve access to state aid for the affected groups to create conditions that lead to social inclusion.
    For a number of years there has been a high level of migration of EU citizens to Germany. Germany provides specific advisory and support services to immigrants from third countries; however, these cannot be accessed by deprived people from EU countries.

    The operational programme aims to improve the social inclusion of the most deprived EU immigrants and their children. Projects are aimed at supporting immigrant children to access early education and helping homeless people to access the advisory and support services available to them. The operational programme also aims to improve social inclusion of the homeless or people at risk of homelessness.

    Managing Authority
    Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
    Department VI, Gruppe Europaïsche Fonds
    Referat EF 2
    Rochusstr. 1
    53107 Bonn – Germany
    Tel: + 49 (0)30 221 911 007


  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Greece (2018 version available)


    The FEAD operational programme in Greece aims to provide food and basic material assistance to the most deprived households.
    Income reduction during the recession has resulted in an increase of the population who are at risk of poverty or exclusion. EL-STAT data suggests 50.3% of the poor population is facing food deprivation which amounts to more than 450,000 households in the Hellenic Republic.
    The seriousness of food deprivation led to a significant allocation of the operational programme towards food assistance for the most disadvantaged. Food aid and basic material assistance is given to all extremely poor people (around 400,000) including those who are homeless. It also aims to improve their chances for social reintegration.

    Managing Authority

    Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity, Insurance and Welfare
    National Institute of Labour and Human Resources
    K. Palama 6-8
    111 41 Athens
    Tel: +30 210 2120743


Hungary | Ireland

  • Country fiche

    FEAD country fiche - Hungary (2018 version available)


    Hungary provides food and basic material assistance through its operational programme. The FEAD operational programme aims to support vulnerable target groups: poor families with children, the homeless and lastly, socially deprived persons with a disability and elderly persons with an extremely low income.
    Poverty is a serious social problem in Hungary, with under 18s most likely to be affected by serious material deprivation. In 2013 the number of people who are not capable of generating income due to their physical state or age is approximately 140,000.
    The operational programme directly supports poor families with children aged 0-18 years; it provides food aid and basic consumer goods. Food aid is also distributed to the additional target groups.

    Managing Authority
    Ministry of Human Capacities
    Akadémia u. 3.
    H-1054 Budapest
    Mailing: 1373 BUDAPEST 5. Pf. 609
    +36 1 795 1200

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Ireland (2018 version available)


    The operational programme in Ireland supports the provision of food and basic material assistance and aims to protect the most vulnerable people from poverty at all stages of the lifecycle.
    In 2014, 27.6% of people in Ireland were reported to be at risk of poverty or social exclusion. A recent special Census report showed that those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation experience other markers of deprivation such as ill health, low educational attainment and joblessness.
    The operational programme aims to support these most deprived groups through the distribution of food packages and basic material assistance. Food packages, meals and essential items will be distributed by partner organisations at their premises, on the street and directly to recipients' homes.

    Managing Authority

    Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection,
    Social Welfare Services Office,
    College Road,

Italy | Latvia

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Italy (2018 version available)

    Italy’s operational programme provides both food and basic material assistance to the most deprived.
    Even though it has slightly improved in recent years, severe material deprivation is very high in Italy, hitting 11.5% of the population (against an average of 6.9% in the Euro area). Material deprivation is even higher for children, and it has almost doubled since the onset of the financial crisis.
    The programme dedicates about 60% of its resources to food aid, delivered through an extensive network of about 11,000 local NGOs. However, it also aims to provide a strategic contribution to social inclusion, by providing school materials for children from deprived families, school meals at schools in deprived neighbourhoods, and basic material assistance for homeless people and deprived families. This will be accompanied by other forms of support, including counselling and help to access services.

    Managing Authority
    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
    Direzione Generale per l’Inclusione e le Politiche Sociali
    Via Fornovo, 8
    00192 Roma
    Tel: +39 06 46831

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Latvia (2018 version available)

    Latvia provides food and basic material assistance through its operational programme. It aims to support disadvantaged households, while reducing social exclusion of the most deprived citizens.
    In 2015, 16% of the Latvian population lived in severe material deprivation and 32.7% were at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
    To reach the target population, partner organisations delivering FEAD in Latvia distribute food nationwide to 479 distribution centres and six soup kitchens. The operational programme also provides school supply packages, as well as hygiene and household items, which aim to boost self-esteem and further socialisation into society.
    Additionally, partner organisations provide a variety of accompanying measures, including information about employment opportunities and medical care, educational sessions for developing practical living skills (such as cooking, household budgeting, etc.), counselling and psychological support.

    Managing Authority
    Ministry of Welfare
    28 Skolas St.
    1331 Riga, LV
    Tel: +371 80205100


Lithuania | Luxemburg

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Lithuania (2018 version available)

    The operational programme for Lithuania provides food and basic material assistance and aims to reduce poverty and social exclusion.
    Eurostat data for 2014 highlighted that more than a quarter of the Lithuanian population is at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Material deprivation often applies to hygiene products, which can be seen as a luxury for larger families.
    The operational programme in Lithuania provides food and basic hygiene products to those in need. The products are delivered to central distribution points, where partners arrange distribution to the target groups. Where necessary, home delivery of packages is provided to those who are particularly vulnerable or live in remote areas.

    Managing Authority
    Ministry of Labour and Social Security
    A. Vivulskio g. 11
    03610 Vilnius, Lithuania
    Tel: +370 5 266 8155 (Ministry) / +370 659 68 347 (ESF agency)

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Luxembourg (2018 version available)

    The FEAD operational programme in Luxembourg provides food and basic material assistance for the most deprived. It supports the national objective of promoting social inclusion, and combating social exclusion relating to housing, by reducing poverty. Recipients are identified by a needs assessment carried out by the social welfare office, or a state-approved social service provider.
    In 2014, 27.8% of households in Luxembourg had difficulty 'making ends meet' and 25,000 people were living in low work intensity households.
    Partner organisations distribute food, including donated food, and material goods such as hygiene products, either directly to the deprived persons or via other partner organisations. Provision of aid is also an opportunity to provide support and initiate social integration. Accompanying measures such as cooking lessons, budget management and language classes are also financed by the FEAD according to the needs of the target recipients.  

    Managing Authority
    Ministry of Family and Integration
    Solidarity Division
    12-14 Avenue Emile Reuter
    L-2420 Luxembourg
    Tel: +352 247 86 500 (Ministry) / + 352 247 86 525 (People in charge of FEAD: Malou Kapgen) / +352 247 83 651 (Gilles Rod)

Malta | Poland

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Malta (2018 version available)

    Malta’s FEAD operational programme has a financial allocation of EUR 3.9 million (EU contribution) and focuses exclusively on food deprivation. The programme targets the most disadvantaged households, particularly those including children and the elderly.
    In 2014, 30.9% of people under the age of 16 and 23.3% of those over 65 were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Food deprivation has severe and broad implications across all age groups. Children are less likely to achieve the level of education that they may aspire to, and food deprivation for adults significantly reduces their long-term potential to attain or hold a job.
    The operational programme provides food aid to the most deprived households with the aim of alleviating the risk of poverty and improving living standards. The list of beneficiaries (households with the lowest income, who are eligible for certain non-contributory benefits, with two or more children or elderly persons) is drawn up by the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity, which also acts as an Intermediary Body for this programme.  

    Managing Authority
    Ministry for European Affairs and Equality (MEAE)
    Triq il-Kukkanja, Santa Venera
    SVR 1411 - MALTA
    Tel: +356 22001142

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Poland (2018 version available)


    Poland provides food aid through its operational programme, which aims to support people who are unable to provide themselves with healthy meals due to financial reasons.
    In 2017, the number of people facing poverty or social exclusion reached 18.9% of the population in Poland.
    The operational programme supports disadvantaged households by providing food aid in packages or as meals. The Programme also provides accompanying measures and common initiatives for local communities aiming to eliminate poverty. Accompanying aid includes workshops focusing on cooking/food products, healthy eating, preventing food waste, and managing household budgets. These aimed to strengthen end-recipients’ autonomy and skills for managing the household.

    Managing Authority

    Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy
    Departament Pomocy i Integracji Społecznej
    ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5
    00-513 Warszawa
    Tel: +48 222 500 108

Portugal | Romania

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Portugal (2018 version available)

    Portugal provides food and basic material assistance through its FEAD operational programme. The programme aims to support the most deprived persons and households, including those who are homeless.
    Poverty and social exclusion are prevalent in Portugal, with poverty levels exacerbated by the struggling economy. In 2014, 25.7% of residents were suffering from material deprivation, a figure which had increased from the previous year.
    The operational programme in Portugal provides food products and basic necessities such hygiene products, clothing and footwear to the most deprived persons and households. Both the Social Security Institute and the partner organisations are responsible for food purchasing, while the distribution of food is under the responsibility of the partner organisations.

    Managing Authority
    Autoridade de Gestão do PO ISE
    Avenida Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro n.º 86, 5.º andar 
    1070-065 Lisboa
    Tel: +351 215 895 300

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Romania (2018 version available)

    Romania provides food and basic material assistance through its operational programme. The FEAD operational programme in Romania aims to provide food to those most in need, as well as school supplies to children in difficulty.
    In 2014 Romania had one of the highest risks of poverty and social exclusion in the European Union (39.5%). According to 2014 Eurostat data, one in two children is poor. The economic crisis has made it impossible for many families to keep up with the costs of their children’s education, especially at higher levels. These factors have contributed to an increase in school dropout rates.
    The Fund will help to strengthen social cohesion by alleviating the worst forms of poverty, mainly by distributing food packages to the most deprived. Secondly, school supplies and school bags will be distributed to children in low income and disadvantaged households, with the aim of boosting children’s motivation and reducing dropout rates.

    Managing Authority
    Ministry of European Funds
    Strada Mendeleev, nr. 36-38
    Sector 1
    Tel: +40 372 614 458 / +40 372 614 459

Slovakia | Slovenia

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Slovakia (2018 version available)

    Slovakia provides food and basic material assistance through its operational programme, which aims to provide assistance to the most deprived persons and households.
    In 2014, EU statistics on income and living conditions reported that 18.4% of the Slovak population were at risk of poverty or social exclusion and 21.5% of the population could not afford to eat meat, chicken or fish every other day. Most at risk are single-parent families, the elderly and the homeless.
    The operational programme in Slovakia works to reduce financial pressure on at-risk groups through the provision of food and toiletry packages. Partner organisations in Slovakia deliver food aid to centres or directly to where at-risk people are living, and toiletries packages are supplied at district level.

    Managing Authority
    Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family
    Section of Social and Family Policy
    Špitálska 4,6,8,
    Bratislava 816 43
    Tel: +421 2 2046 0000

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Slovenia (2018 version available)

    Slovenia provides food through its operational programme, which aims to provide assistance to individuals who have found themselves in difficult social and material circumstances.
    In 2014, 20.4% of residents in Slovenia were at risk of poverty. In the same year the severe material deprivation rate was 6.6%.
    Those who require aid receive free food packages via the FEAD operational programme, mainly at local distribution points but also, in the case of those most vulnerable and socially excluded, directly at homes and shelters.  Recipients are also offered accompanying measures to encourage their social inclusion and informed about available social activities.

    Managing Authority
    Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
    Štukljeva cesta 44
    1000 Ljubljana
    Tel: +386 (0)1 369 77 00

Spain | Sweden

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Spain (2018 version available)

    Spain provides food assistance through its operational programme. The FEAD operational programme will help to achieve the national objective of reducing poverty and social exclusion amongst 1.4-1.5 million people.
    Poverty indicators place Spain below the European average. Statistics by the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) show that the number of recipients of the Food Aid plan increased by 217% between 2008-2012.
    The operational programme helps to combat poverty by distributing food packs and providing prepared meals in social canteens. The contents are selected according to basic criteria that will help meet the needs of the beneficiaries. Partner organisations then deliver food directly to the most deprived people.

    Managing Authority
    Ministry for Labour and Social Economy
    Administrative Unit of the European Social Fund
    C/Pío Baroja, 6
    E-28009 Madrid
    Tel: +34 -91 / 363 - 18 00

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - Sweden (2018 version available)

    The FEAD operational programme in Sweden aims to increase the social inclusion and empowerment of socially vulnerable people.
    Sweden attracts citizens from within the EU who are seeking work away from their native countries. However, not all temporary migrants are able to find work and often they are ineligible for assistance from the Swedish social services. In some cases, these migrants are in need of subsistence and overnight accommodation. According to the National Coordinator for vulnerable EU citizens, in November 2015 there were up to 4 700 citizens across the country begging or busking and living in makeshift camps.
    The FEAD operational programme aims to support vulnerable EU citizens in their contact with Swedish society. Activities include civic education such as support locating shelters or hostels, information on Swedish society and translation of essential information, as well as health promotion and prevention activities.

    Managing Authority
    Swedish ESF-Council 
    Box 397
    801 05 Gävle
    Tel: +46 (0)20 333390 / +46 (0)8 579 171 00 (from abroad)

The Netherlands

  • Country fiche
    FEAD country fiche - The Netherlands (2018 version available)

    The objective of the operational programme in the Netherlands is to reduce the social exclusion of elderly people with a low disposable income.
    The Netherlands believes that participation in paid work is the fastest way out of poverty and leads to social inclusion. However this does not serve groups such as pensioners who are no longer able to participate.
    The operational programme aims to support elderly people directly, by raising awareness among the target group of what local support is available. The operational programme also aims to reinforce the target group’s social network and enhance the basic skills of those who feel socially excluded. The programme ensures the most deprived persons are monitored by support organisations or municipalities. Activities such as shared cultural activities and the organisation of short training courses are financed by the FEAD.

    Managing Authority

    Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
    Agency SZW
    Rijnstraat 50 
    2515 XP Den Haag
    Tel: +31 (0)70 315 20 00